Saturday, March 31, 2007


One of the reasons we like spring is because it tells us that something better is coming. When spring is announced on March 21, we know that birds and flowers and grass and longer days are coming. It is a prophetic event, leading to something better.
So it is with Palm Sunday. It tells us that Easter is coming. The Triumphal Entry of Our Lord Jesus into the city of Jerusalem is a grand event, but it is not the main event. The excited crowds of people that turned the carpenter-teacher’s donkey ride into a media event overshadowing all of the religious significance of the Passover Feast was a prelude to something much larger and grander.
The Palm Sunday crowd was expectant but they did not know where it was all going or just what the final impact might be. They would have to wait a week before they could participate in the event that shook the world. Like one long, loud trumpet blast Palm Sunday heralded the event that until now stands out as history’s most significant day.
As we repeat the ancient story this weekend we will not be able to contain the excitement that will start building in us as we retell the story. “The whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen: ‘Blessed is the King who comes in the Name of the Lord. Peace in Heaven and glory in the highest.’”(Luke 19:37-38 NIV)
There has never been a ticker tape parade to exceed this event. But it was not the main event. The best was yet to be. A peak! A valley! Then a higher peak! You need to join the preparation events this week: through prayer, Maundy Thursday with the Lord’s Supper observation, the musical celebrations, and quiet meditation.
Yes! It’s Palm Sunday, but Easter is coming. Hallelujah! Amen!

“Living Lord, it will be rewarding to our souls to contemplate how You
became our Substitute on the Cross of Calvary! Thank You so much! Amen”

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