Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Some people are living a frantic life and have been deceived into thinking that it is a full life. Going here and there at a frantic pace, day-planner in hand, totally occupied with activity, never having time to enjoy life! Some are so intent on filling their calendars that they never learn to fill their lives.
The 2000’s have put a premium on activity. Parents inflict the lifestyle on their children. Children are often exhausted and irritable because they are kept so busy. When they grow up with that mind-set they make terrible mates in marriage because they have never learned to be quiet.
Do you know how to relax? Do you feel guilty when you are not doing something? Do you just ever meditate on the important truths of life? A rat race of frantic activity is a turnoff to your friends, also. They are not interested in your breathless tales of busyness. They know that busyness can be a cover for meaningless living.
“I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” (John 10:10 NIV) A full and meaningful life is lived in relationship with God. It is lived with spiritual values dominant. This is not an other-worldy, escape system, but living by Biblical based moral and spiritual values. This is helping people and making the world a better place.
Frantically chasing success to afford to “keep busy” when you retire is futile. Too many die before reaching retirement.
A Biblical picture of a frantic life is Peter saying “I’m going fishing” when he had no immediate answer as to explaining the death of Jesus. A full-life scenario is Mary seated at Jesus’ feet listening to Him teach even though she had a house full of hungry guests. Living life full will require the ability to sort out what is lasting and most important.

“Father, I would like to take Your dare and live a full and meaningful
life. Through your Holy Spirit put the brakes on my heart. Amen"

1 comment:

TXbrnHvnbnd said...

Really needed to hear this today, in fact I'm gonna need to come back and read it several more times as I feel myself being sucked into that "busyness". Thank you.