Monday, May 21, 2007


I heard this phrase on the radio while listening to a broadcast about family life: “active parenting”. I pictured this as parents who actively got involved with their children in their development. For example, passive parenting would be sending the child to the television to be entertained rather than spending time constructively in learning. The older generation said “children should be seen and not heard.” Both of the aforementioned groups sought non-involvement.
The problem with this approach is that when the parent wants to get involved, it will require a lot of yelling. Active parenting can expect “first time obedience”, that is, the child obeys the first time the direction is given and the parent doesn’t end up shouting “I have told you a dozen times”.
First time obedience will be enthusiastic obedience because of the bond that exists between the child and the parents that are actively involved in his life. Absentee parents give up a lot when they are not active with the children. Active parenting is good in teaching the child discipline by disciplining the child. It is good to know that the “rod of discipline” of Proverbs 13:24 is the very same rod of Psalms 23:4 that comforts and protects from evil.
Active parenting may be the tool in God’s hand that He uses to “train a child in the way he should go” (Proverbs 22:6). This will demand active parenting. Some parents seem to resent the infringement on their time that child rearing demands but that is part of the task.
It is sad to see the results of children passively raised by videos and video games and overcrowded day care centers. So many unwanted children would have been healthier had they been adopted at birth by active parents. Parenting is a special thing. We can never stress this too much.

“Thank You, God, for the privilege of raising children for you; what a
wonderful trust that we must not fail. Bless our children. Amen”

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