Friday, June 29, 2007


How will you celebrate your freedom this weekend? We are celebrating the birthday of your freedom. Will you give proper attention to how you respond? Will you bring a present to the party?
I was born in 1935 and my education started in 1941. Schools were hot-beds of patriotism. We celebrated our freedoms. Freedom from Oppression, Freedom from Want, Freedom of Religion. All freedoms were considered precious. It was an open secret that our forefathers founded this country on the desire for freedom. Freedom to worship or freedom not to worship, no government taxation for the support of any religion.
I remember the lines I learned in elementary school. “O beautiful for pilgrim feet, whose stern, impassioned stress a thoroughfare for freedom beat across the wilderness.” Remember “my country, ‘tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing.” “Let sweet freedom’s song ring from all the trees.” “Long may our land be bright with freedom’s holy light.” The land of the free! Millions have flocked to this land since 1776 because they heard it was the “land of the free”.
Maybe there have been too many wars and conflicts and too many political debates about involvement in them that we have lost sight of the gift of freedom that was bought with a lot of bloodshed.
Sweet freedom1 Thank God for it. It is the same in the spiritual realm. People forget the sweet freedom offered and return to slavery to their own foolishness. Galatians 5:1 (NIV) states “it is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and don’t let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”
Realize this: most of the world does not have freedom of religion. A state-run, official religion, one only, is allowed. Shame! Use your sweet liberty Sunday. It is a gift from God. Gratefully worship tomorrow.

“O God, I shudder when I think that I could have been born in a land
of oppressed people. Thank You for the blessing of a free country. Amen”

Thursday, June 28, 2007


I’m going to sound a little blind and naïve as I start this but don’t stop reading. In recent memory, have you ever known of a time when so many people were shackled by war and hate and fear and political upheaval? What other time can compare to “man’s inhumanity to man” that is seen on such an international scale?
When the Iron Curtain and Bamboo Curtain and other curtains came down around the world, many of us thought it was the dawning of a new day of freedom for people to express themselves. All it seems to have done was unleash long-chained hatreds that had not been allowed to be expressed by oppressive governments. So we look with horror at the lack of freedom around the world and thank God for America, our “sweet land of liberty”. We have it better, don’t we?
Government leadership changes hands here without bloodshed, government policies change without revolution, and a man can still go from the log cabin to the White House. Yet, we have many citizens who do not drink from the cup of freedom. Many are still entrapped by poverty, prejudice, discrimination, ignorance, old age, and infirmity. This should be a call to arms. All of us who enjoy the fruits of our social system should take up moral arms to do battle against these evil forces.
Every Christian who can say with Paul “it is for freedom that Christ has set us free” (Galatians 5;1) should join this cause. He even warns the Christians in that same chapter “do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature.” The sinful nature is selfish and self-centered.
Let freedom ring from your house if you have been set free by Jesus. It was spiritual freedom that formed the basis for the Pilgrim’s founding this nation. Spiritual freedom makes other freedoms possible.

“How sweet it is to live in this land of liberty! Give us a new sense of
gratitude, beginning right now, for this gift You have given America. Amen”

Sunday, June 24, 2007


The bulldozers came while we were away. I’m glad I was not here to see it. A beautiful tract of tall, majestic trees were bulldozed for new houses. That place is ugly now! As armies used to follow a “scorched earth” policy, developers follow a ‘scraped earth” policy. With every hedgerow that is removed, a dozen different kinds of birds lose their nesting place. The deer are being squeezed out of all their hiding places and live along the roadways. The bears are having a hard time finding enough to eat in their shrinking domain. Not to mention that each time we fell a tree we destroy another air cleaner.
Do we have an answer for this? Genesis 2:15 (NIV) says “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” Are we taking care of the earth?
No one wants to impede progress and no one wants to hinder development that will then offer more jobs and business opportunities to the people who will move in, but where does it take us after that? Politicians may debate “global warming” and the like but it is the citizens who must begin to do more about protecting the environment. How many more plastic bags will it take? How much more trash in the rivers before we hear a wakeup call.
You know, I think we Christians bear the biggest responsibility in caring for the earth. Do you practice recycling in any form? Do you have lessons or sermons at church about our ‘stewardship” of the universe? How embarrassing that some of the most beautiful mountain peaks available for climbers are now overrun with trash left by the climbers.
I learned at a very young age to sing: “Fair are the meadows, Fairer still the woodlands, Robed in the blooming garb of spring; Jesus is fairer, Jesus is purer, who makes the woeful heart to sing.” There is clearly a link between my worshipping the beauty of Jesus and my seeing His handiwork in nature. Why don’t you bring up that question this week in your Bible study class?

“O Creater God, You have made the world beautiful for us and sufficient for
all our needs. Teach us to stop trying to destroy what you have made. Amen”


Did you ever own a new puppy? If you have ever had one, you know what an adventure it is at first. After teaching “potty training”, the next most important lesson is how to walk on a leash. The dog has to be taken for walks to get proper exercising, of course. That’s when the demand for patience sets in. One thing that always amazes me is that hurting herself does not help a puppy to learn. She will run ahead and strain against the leash, choke herself in doing it, cough to get her breath and then turn around and repeat the episode even though she is going to hurt herself again.
Training puppies reminds me of so many people I have tried to pastor and teach discipline. (I wonder if God thought the same about me?) Very simply we are taught to keep our eyes on Jesus, listen to His words of instruction, obey them as closely as possible and the result will be a full and meaningful life in Christ.
But many Christians want to be Christians but don’t want to live in obedience to Jesus and then are shocked and disappointed when they hurt themselves. Trying to break away from God’s discipline is always painful. God faithfully waits on us, giving us countless opportunities to learn.
Hebrews 11:16 (NIV) even says, “God is not ashamed to be called their God.” He knows our hearts and the true intent of our wills. If our deep-down intent is to learn Christian discipline, He will hold the leash tight while we learn. “No one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand” Jesus said in John 10:29 (NIV)
Just as I held the leash tight on my puppy and try as she might, she could not snatch herself from my grasp. God has dealt with me that way for many years. When I have tried to hurt myself in disobedience, He has held firm to my life. Just obey God. Stop fighting the leash of His love. Enjoy security.

“Tender-hearted Father, we know from past experiences that undisciplined
living is only going to make us miserable. Show us fruitful submission. Amen”


If you own stock in a pharmaceutical company today, you are doing well. If your company is selling something to help people relax and forget their fears, you are doing well. Our fears seem to be running faster and are catching up with us more often. Polls report that some of our “favorite fears” are: being in a car crash, having cancer, inadequate Social Security, retirement with not enough money, and getting AIDS. I’m sorry if I did not mention yours. It’s not a joke.
Living with fear, adjusting life because of fear, seeing a counselor for help with fear; all of these are major issues. As a Christian I am torn between my faith and my feeling. Which one will win? The Bible tells me “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:15 NIV) Wow! Does that mean that my fear is my fault?
I know that Jesus is the perfect love who is able to drive fear from me. David, in the Old Testament, had a lot of faith and a lot of fear. He concluded, “When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?” (Psalm 56: 3-4)
That is a very practical approach to fear. Look it straight in the eye. Identify it. And immediately pass it on to Jesus like a hot potato. Why should you be troubled and made miserable by something that Jesus is able to defeat. God has provisions for you. He will equip you.
I met a woman in the hospital who feared dying alone. God provided a large group from our church to comfort her and she died in the midst of Christian friends. That was all she needed.
Whatever you fear, He is greater than your fear. Surrender your fear today.

“Forgive us, Lord, for complicating our fears and not simply taking you
at your Word. Free us from fears and enable us to leave them behind. Amen”


It’s all about choices. If it wasn’t such a good expression of democracy, I would really hate all these political signs. I sat at a traffic light this weekend and watched two guys being very industrious in driving stakes in the ground for signs. The sign makers must be making a fortune. Do you have money invested in a printing business? Or perhaps a lumber company?
All the signs are saying to you as a citizen: Make A Choice. So many candidates, so many offices, so many causes demanding attention from you.
Now we know we must make a choice. Not to make a choice is to make a wrong choice. Daily God challenges you to make a choice: “I set before you life and death, choose life.” (Deuteronomy 30:19) Every Sunday in your church the message is spread before you by a Bible Teacher or minister; “there is a way that seems good to a man, but the end thereof is death.” (Proverbs 14:12) Watch out, beware of the wrong choice.
There is an ongoing debate about many of our social problems but eventually it boils down to people making wrong choices. There are terrible pressures and influences brought to bear on the young and old daily but in the final analysis, individual accountability must be taken into consideration..
Every decision is important as each day is important. Wrong choices always come back to haunt us. “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives liberally.” (James 1:5) We are not left on our own in making choices, there is Divine help available.
If it is a big decision, you will do well to spend a few minutes in Bible reading and prayer just to clear your mind before making the decision. At the very least, spend a quiet moment in prayer and then decide by the best insight you have.

“Every time we turn around, O Lord, we are confronted by the demand for a
decision and we often feel tentative and hesitant. Give us a faith-based trust. Amen”

Saturday, June 23, 2007


Bringing people together or causing people to separate? Creating an “us versus them” mentality or creating an “us and us” outlook? Which describes you? The forces of “division” are hard at work around the world: philosophy against philosophy, religion against religion, culture against culture, race against race, political theory against political theory; too much finger-pointing! Too many threats!
That’s why there is an urgent need for peacemakers. Peacemakers bring people together. Jesus said: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.” (Matthew 5:9) Why? Because they are emulating their Heavenly Father in doing what He is doing. Listen: “for he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new man of two, thus making peace.” (Ephesians 2:14-15)
No more finger-pointing and affixing blame; that is divisive, it promotes that “us versus them” mentality. There is enough blame to go around if each of us were to accept our share of responsibility for the mess in the world. I want to be a part of working for a oneness of purpose that will help people. “Red” or “blue” are too simplistic to describe people made in the image of God. That’s worse than “white” or “black”.
As Christians, we are given the task of mediation, of bringing people together. Read this challenge in 2 Corinthians 5:18-19: “All of this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ. And he has committed to us the ministry of reconciliation.”
At every level of our life experience we must work to reconcile folks with God and one another. An old song says: “love can build a bridge between your heart and mine; don’t you think it’s time?”

“O God of Peace, make us instruments of Your peace; the world is hurting
so very much from the divisions made by prejudice and hatred. Amen”

Friday, June 22, 2007


As rapidly as couples are entering the churches these days of June declaring their eternal love for one another, another set of couples are leaving the Courthouse with a divorce decree. The marriage license has been replaced by a divorce decree stamped “irreconcilable differences”.
How did it happen? Did they know so little about each other when they were married? Did they think the differences of courtship would disappear? Were they so unsure of their relationship that they refused pre-marital counseling because they knew what was going to be revealed? Or is there really a “irreconcilable difference” basis for divorce?
The prophet Amos (Amos 3:3 NIV) asked the question, “do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?” and the answer, of course, is “no”.
In the wedding ceremony two people agree to walk together. The assumption is that they have discovered a basis for unity or oneness in being together. The desire to be together is so strong that it demands subjecting everything else to the goal of “oneness”.
Divorce happens when ego and pride get control. Irreconcilable differences is another way of saying here are two stubborn people who refuse to communicate about their egotism and hardheadedness enough to work out their problems. Self-centered people would rather have “irreconcilable differences” than give up their pride and give in to compromise.
If a Christian couple decides to sacrifice their marriage on the altar of “irreconcilable differences”, they are denying the power of God to heal their differences. Jesus said, “with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26 NIV)
Many people who have gotten the divorce decree later admit, “I wish I had tried a little harder to work out our differences.” Couples will always have differences. God will always have the power to work out differences. God has made a way, through Jesus, to reconcile people to Himself and one another.

“It truly is a miracle on earth, O God, when a couple give You permission
to make them one. Make us who have received the gift keepers of the gift.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


As rapidly as couples are entering the churches these days of June declaring their eternal love for one another, another set of couples are leaving the Courthouse with a divorce decree. The marriage license has been replaced by a divorce decree stamped “irreconcilable differences”.
How did it happen? Did they know so little about each other when they were married? Did they think the differences of courtship would disappear? Were they so unsure of their relationship that they refused pre-marital counseling because they knew what was going to be revealed? Or is there really a “irreconcilable difference” basis for divorce?
The prophet Amos (Amos 3:3 NIV) asked the question, “do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?” and the answer, of course, is “no”.
In the wedding ceremony two people agree to walk together. The assumption is that they have discovered a basis for unity or oneness in being together. The desire to be together is so strong that it demands subjecting everything else to the goal of “oneness”.
Divorce happens when ego and pride get control. Irreconcilable differences is another way of saying here are two stubborn people who refuse to communicate about their egotism and hardheadedness enough to work out their problems. Self-centered people would rather have “irreconcilable differences” than give up their pride and give in to compromise.
If a Christian couple decides to sacrifice their marriage on the altar of “irreconcilable differences”, they are denying the power of God to heal their differences. Jesus said, “with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26 NIV)
Many people who have gotten the divorce decree later admit, “I wish I had tried a little harder to work out our differences.” Couples will always have differences. God will always have the power to work out differences. God has made a way, through Jesus, to reconcile people to Himself and one another.

“It truly is a miracle on earth, O God, when a couple give You permission
to make them one. Make us who have received the gift keepers of the gift.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I’m sure you have experienced this several times this year: You have been patiently standing in line ready to check out and someone jumps in line in front of you and takes your place. (Probably had more than the 12 items allowed in the Express Line) You bite your tongue and get irritated and mumble under your breath. Or maybe someone has “cut you off” in a Parking Lot and taken your parking place. Its so impolite and crude when someone jumps in front of you and takes your place. Spiritually, I wonder how Jesus feels when we allow someone else to come before Him in our lives? And I don’t mean just at Christmas.
We all need to get our priorities straight and then keep them straight. Someone said “the main thing in life is to keep the main thing the main thing.” That comes by concentration and determination. How about praying before you make your shopping list? How about praying while you are shopping? Better yet, why not start the day with a “Quiet Time” with God in order to get our “spiritual values” lifted to first place? This could keep us from doing something reckless the remainder” of the day and not keep “first things” first.
It is especially terrible what “value system” we sow into our children’s brain when we so easily allow Jesus to get “bumped” out of first place in the home. They hear our statements about Jesus being “first” (which we hear each Sunday at church) but then we let someone “cut-in” on Jesus like a grocery line ‘cut-in” and He has to wait for our attention.
Just examine what has been taking place in your life this summer, before Vacation season really gets serious. It would be too numerous for me to try to mention the challenges of maintaining spirituality in summer. Who really occupies first place? (How many times this Sunday will the weekly Bulletin from your church include reminders for you not to forget your financial support this summer or the church will falter?) Read Philippians 2:6-7 “Jesus, who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.” Jesus deserves first place in your life, all the time. He will not force Himself to be first-in-line in your life, that is a place that you must voluntarily give up. Have you heard the song that says “Jesus won’t play second fiddle in anyone’s band”?

“Knowing You are a Jealous God, Heavenly Father, help us to always
take seriously the Command not to place any god before You. Amen”

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


In this shocking event of children killing other children, the word often used to describe the perpetrator is “alienation”. The children feel alienated from their peers and act out their alienations with mass murder. The children act out their alienation by dressing strangely and running in gangs until it violently erupts.
The victims are usually those who are considered a part of the “in” crowd; the popular, the attractive, the known, the attention getters. Because of the tendency of youth to copy one another, we can expect more of these shocking events in the future..
There has never been a time when there are as many angry young people as now, those who feel left out of the normal or mainstream of life by the pacesetters. What can be done? Often the “haves” consciously alienate the “have nots” with laughing, teasing, bullying, or name calling. Christians are called to be the champions of the alienated.
Before our conversion, we were alienated from God. Paul said that when he was not a Christian he was separated from Christ, and alienated from those who had a promise and a hope from God. (Ephesians 2:12)
People without Christ in their hearts are described as “darkened in their understanding and separated (alienated) from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. (Ephesians 4:18 NIV)
It is not hard to understand why entertainers who “act-out” alienation sing songs about feelings of alienation and enjoy immense popularity among an alienated generation. Suffering from feelings of alienation? Come to Jesus! Listen: “Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now He has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in His sight, without blemish and free from accusation.” (Colossians 1:21-22 NIV)
Are you feeling alienated? Know someone who feels alienated? There is acceptance in Jesus Christ.

“God who is our Friend, speak to us again about how You have included us
in Your plans for the world and that it is ok for us to come home to You. Amen”

Monday, June 18, 2007


Jesus loved the children. He said “Let the children come to me and don’t stop them.” (Mark 10:14) Children loved Jesus. As Pastor of a church, I always wanted to have a Jesus-type relationship with the children. I always liked to work with the children in Vacation Bible School. They were so alert and alive, faces so expectant to learn about Jesus.
In the Worship time, the children sing with enthusiasm and faith. Look around you every Sunday at the children and pray for them and hope that they will give their lives to Jesus early and avoid much needless pain from experimenting with evil.
Christianity teaches us to cherish the children. In many cultures, the children are helpless pawns. They are forced into the military. They are made the slaves of blind religion and selfish governments. Even here in our own country child abuse is at an all-time high. Why and how does a society allow that to happen? The cancer that eats away at the American home is seen in the way it treats children. “Latch-key” and “throw-away” kids are obvious in the social scene. With summer vacation here watch the number of children increase in hanging out at the shopping centers.
I am just as concerned for the children who are abused and neglected in middle class families. So many children are angry. They strike out in violent acts, gang behavior, disrespect for authority; a society pays a terrible price when it doesn’t cherish the children. Notice the number of “roadside markers” multiplying as more youth die in accidents?
In 1 Samuel 1:27-28, we are told that Hannah cherished her boy Samuel so much that she dedicated him to God saying, “I prayed for this child, and the Lord granted me what I asked of Him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.” Did that affect what kind of mother she would be? You better believe it!
Raise your children in this Biblical value system; it’s much better than “traditional values.”

“Dear Father, You have entrusted us with the responsibility of raising
children for You and with You. Give us overflowing love for them. Amen”

Sunday, June 17, 2007


A secretary at the doctor’s office spontaneously started telling me about her experiences in Vacation Bible School. Her life was still being impacted by what happened many years ago. Vacation Bible School may be one of the wisest and most fruitful investments that a church ever makes. Generally speaking, a child will receive more focused Bible study in one week than that child would normally get in five months of church attendance.
Young lives can be changed and redirected in five days. I pray that God will bless in a special way any Christian who gives a week of vacation to teach children the Bible. Very encouraging in contemporary church life is the number of men who take a week of vacation to help point youngsters to Jesus. Some of you reading this blog are where you are today because of a spiritual foundation you received in Vacation Bible School.
As always, atheistic and agnostic adults will enroll their children for a week of free baby-sitting service but that is all right; many of those children too will become Christians. Many Christians first met Jesus when their parents took them home for a week at Grandmother’s house to go to Vacation Bible School.
There will be very few pictures or articles in newspapers, or mention on the evening news of the effect of Vacation Bible School on America. Nevertheless, the American society will be greatly blessed by this summer’s harvest of young souls through Vacation Bible School.
Remember how Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14 NIV)? We have a simple way to obey this teaching. The uninformed may think it just a part of American culture. Christians know it is a God-given tool to evangelize and disciple children. Training children spiritually is the only motivation for Vacation Bible Schools. Be sure to take your children or grand-children to a V.B.S. near you.

“Dear God, I will never forget attending my first Vacation Bible School,
thank You for the people You have used to teach kids the truth. Amen”

Saturday, June 16, 2007


Here’s a powerful word from God to uncover as you celebrate Father’s Day! In Malachi 4:5 (NIV) “See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children.” This prophecy was repeated in Luke 1:17 in describing the work of John the Baptist. Interesting that a part of the spiritual preparation for Judgement Day by men has to do with their relationship with their children.
Has there ever been a time in history when men turn their backs on their children like today? This is not a problem peculiar to either black, white, or brown people. Men father children in an empty gesture to prove their manhood only to prove that they are not man enough to shoulder responsibility.
A lot of angry young boys don’t know their father. They resent being raised by a single parent. Other men come to the so-called “mid-life crisis” and turn their backs on their own children and leave heartbroken children to be raised by their mother. Children of any age, rejected by their father, will turn to destructive behavior to release their anger.
A father’s heart needs to turn to his children. He needs to be touched by them. A humble father who accepts his children as a responsibility from God will show his gratitude to God by investing his life in the welfare of his children.
In a regular nuclear family, the so-called “traditional” family, the mother will probably have the most sensitive teaching opportunities in raising the children. But this does not relieve any of the father’s duties. Both are needed!
One powerful injunction to fathers is Colossians 3:21 (NIV): “Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged.” If a man will read his Bible daily, there is a sufficient number of these spiritual bullets to hit him in the heart and keep his heart tender toward his children and always aware of the need to spend time with them and give them a God-inspired example to follow.

“O God, Our Father, help us fathers to not just focus on socks, ties, and
cooking out today but on the challenge to raise our children for You. Amen”

Friday, June 15, 2007


In observing couples who have been married for many meaningful years, I have come to the conclusion that a good marriage is a dance. The more the marriage matures, the more it is a matter of rhythm and response. Conscious of the other’s presence, they move together in rhythm. There is a reciprocity in the dance as the couple responds to one another. They should provide a balance for one another.
This is probably validating the old adage “opposites attract”. A person looks for in a mate what he or she is lacking in personality or character trait. Usually an extrovert marries an introvert or a mechanical person marries someone who is not slightly inclined that way. When one is down, the other the other can pull them up. When one is sad, the other can bring a note of joy.
It gives meaning to the statement in Genesis 2:18 where God says “it is not good for the man to be alone, I will make a helper suitable for him.” This would mean two that really match, personalities that blend, as well as lives that can gradually be formed together in a relationship.
This brings a stability that cannot normally be found in marriage. The “suitable helper” concept will make the dance enjoyable for both partners as both have found themselves complemented in this permanent covenant relationship. Sadly, many couples break up before they ever learn to dance together. Going simply on emotion, if it doesn’t “feel right”, they begin to look for another partner, even to “cutting-in” on another couple’s dance.
There is another fact in verse 18: God is the one making the “suitable helper”. No one knows you like God, so who would better prepare “the suitable helper” that any man or woman needs? And to assure it works, He will stay around and dance with the couple if allowed. That would create a “Biblical triangle” that would truly bless!

“O God, teach us to dance. So many marriages are being stretched to the
breaking point and children are being torn apart. Bless, O Lord! Amen”

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Like many of you, I make my regular visits to the local trash compactor site; to dispose of trash and garbage and leave stuff to be recycled. I miss something from the Landfill where we last lived. A section of that Landfill was designated: “Too Good To Throw Away”. There was always a variety of stuff there. Things that people didn’t like anymore or didn’t find useful were abandoned on this spot. Stuff that became worthless in the owner’s eyes but in someone else’s eyes was “too good to throw away” could be found there. Some people would just wait out there to see what was dumped. As I mused over this it occurred to me that God finds us on the “too good to throw away” part of life.
Consider: many are abandoned by spouse, parents, children, employer and the like who got the best we had to offer and then put us aside. Genesis 2:7 says “the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being”. Made in the image of God, we were in the ideal location to have a relationship with God. But we rebelled and listened to the appeal of Satan and went to follow him. He used us and tossed us aside after we were miserable.
But God saw that we were “too good to throw away.” David asks “Who is like the Lord our God, the One who sits enthroned on high, who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth? He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap.” (Psalm 113:5-7)
So many people are considered worthless and disposable by other humans but God sees us through different eyes. “though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me.” (Psalm 27:10)
Remember: the dearest person to you in this world may turn on you but the Lord will find you in your abandoned state and save you for future fellowship. You are precious in His sight!

“O Merciful God, it comes as a sweet word of encouragement to know from
the Bible that we are still precious in Your sight. Amen”


When was the last time you went to the church house and were afraid? Or when was the last time you became afraid in a Worship Service? Probably never! We just don’t connect fear and worship. Sometimes when people first go to a service in a church or a Bible class, they may feel a little nervous or anxious, but fearful? No!
Maybe that’s the difference in church today and in the first century. In Acts 9:31, the Bible says “then the church throughout Judea, Galilee, and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace. It was strengthened and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it grew in numbers, living in the fear of the Lord.”
The first churches had a great impact on the world because when they came together there was a sense of awe and reverence for God. They knew they were handling “holy” things when they dealt with God.
They did not come to worship just to feel happy. They did not come to Bible study to make new friends. They did not go to the preaching of God’s Word because they enjoyed the Choir. “Church” is for many people a diversion, a social event, a neighborhood political rally; anything but a confrontation with the Living God. Church will be a boring experience until there is a recovery of a sense of the Holy. A sense of fear, if you will.
In Acts 5, there is an account of Ananias and Sapphira dying while at a church service because they lied to God. Again, the record says, fear filled the church. But, please note this fact; when this sense of fear was in the church, the church had her greatest impact on the world. Awe at the working of God!
When the church recovers a core of people who have “seen and heard and touched” (1 John 1:1) the Word of Life, she will recover fear and wonder. A second-hand Christian experience knows no fear or awe. A sense of the Holy Presence of God would create a feeling of wonder.

“Restore to Your Church, O God, a sense of awe and wonder in Your
presence; give us again a ‘holy ground’ kind of inspiration. Amen”

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


If you own stock in a pharmaceutical company today, you are doing well. If your company is selling something to help people relax and forget their fears, you are doing well.
Our fears seem to be running faster and are catching up with us. Polls report that some of our “favorite fears’ are: being in a car crash, having cancer, inadequate Social Security, retirement without enough money, getting AIDS. Sorry if I didn’t mention yours. It is not a joke!
Living with fear, adjusting life because of fear, seeing a counselor for help in dealing with fear; all of these are major issues. As a Christian, I am torn between my faith and my feelings. Which one will win? The Bible tells me “there is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:15 NIV) Wow! Does that mean that my fear is my own fault?
I know that Jesus is the perfect love who is able to drive fear from me. David, in the Old Testament, had a lot of faith and a lot of fear. He concluded “When I am afraid, I will trust in You. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust.; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?” (Psalm 56:3-4)
That is a very practical approach to fear. Look it straight in the eye. Identify it. And immediately pass it on to Jesus like a hot potato. Why should you be troubled and made miserable by something that Jesus is able to defeat? God has provisions for you. He will equip you.
I met a woman in the hospital who feared dying alone. God provided a large group from our church to comfort her. He will comfort you in the face of your fears.
Whatever you fear, He is greater than your fear. Surrender your fear to God today.

“OK, God, I am ready to surrender my fears, all of them to You, I am
so tired of wrestling with them. Come now and fill this vacancy. Amen”


If you own stock in a pharmaceutical company today, you are doing well. If your company is selling something to help people relax and forget their fears, you are doing well.
Our fears seem to be running faster and are catching up with us. Polls report that some of our “favorite fears’ are: being in a car crash, having cancer, inadequate Social Security, retirement without enough money, getting AIDS. Sorry if I didn’t mention yours. It is not a joke!
Living with fear, adjusting life because of fear, seeing a counselor for help in dealing with fear; all of these are major issues. As a Christian, I am torn between my faith and my feelings. Which one will win? The Bible tells me “there is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:15 NIV) Wow! Does that mean that my fear is my own fault?
I know that Jesus is the perfect love who is able to drive fear from me. David, in the Old Testament, had a lot of faith and a lot of fear. He concluded “When I am afraid, I will trust in You. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust.; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?” (Psalm 56:3-4)
That is a very practical approach to fear. Look it straight in the eye. Identify it. And immediately pass it on to Jesus like a hot potato. Why should you be troubled and made miserable by something that Jesus is able to defeat? God has provisions for you. He will equip you.
I met a woman in the hospital who feared dying alone. God provided a large group from our church to comfort her. He will comfort you in the face of your fears.
Whatever you fear, He is greater than your fear. Surrender your fear to God today.

“OK, God, I am ready to surrender my fears, all of them to You, I am
so tired of wrestling with them. Come now and fill this vacancy. Amen”


If you own stock in a pharmaceutical company today, you are doing well. If your company is selling something to help people relax and forget their fears, you are doing well.
Our fears seem to be running faster and are catching up with us. Polls report that some of our “favorite fears’ are: being in a car crash, having cancer, inadequate Social Security, retirement without enough money, getting AIDS. Sorry if I didn’t mention yours. It is not a joke!
Living with fear, adjusting life because of fear, seeing a counselor for help in dealing with fear; all of these are major issues. As a Christian, I am torn between my faith and my feelings. Which one will win? The Bible tells me “there is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:15 NIV) Wow! Does that mean that my fear is my own fault?
I know that Jesus is the perfect love who is able to drive fear from me. David, in the Old Testament, had a lot of faith and a lot of fear. He concluded “When I am afraid, I will trust in You. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust.; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?” (Psalm 56:3-4)
That is a very practical approach to fear. Look it straight in the eye. Identify it. And immediately pass it on to Jesus like a hot potato. Why should you be troubled and made miserable by something that Jesus is able to defeat? God has provisions for you. He will equip you.
I met a woman in the hospital who feared dying alone. God provided a large group from our church to comfort her. He will comfort you in the face of your fears.
Whatever you fear, He is greater than your fear. Surrender your fear to God today.

“OK, God, I am ready to surrender my fears, all of them to You, I am
so tired of wrestling with them. Come now and fill this vacancy. Amen”


If you own stock in a pharmaceutical company today, you are doing well. If your company is selling something to help people relax and forget their fears, you are doing well.
Our fears seem to be running faster and are catching up with us. Polls report that some of our “favorite fears” are: being in a car crash, having cancer, inadequate Social Security, retirement without enough money, and getting AIDS. Sorry if I didn’t mention yours. It’s not a joke.
Living with fear, adjusting life because of fear, seeing a counselor for help with fear; all of these are major issues today. As a Christian I am torn between my faith and my feeling.Which one will win? The Bible tells me “There is no fear in love. But, perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:15 NIV) Wow! Does that mean that my fear is my fault? Does this mean that I do not have to be a victim of fear?
I know that Jesus is the perfect love who is able to drive fear from me. David, in the Old Testament, had a lot of faith and a lot of fear. He concluded “When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?” (Psalm 56:3-4)
That is a very practical approach to fear. Look it straight in the eye. Identify it. And immediately pass it on to Jesus like a hot potato. Why should you be troubled and made miserable by something that Jesus is able to defeat? God has provisions for you. He will equip you to face your fears.
I met a woman in the hospital who feared dying alone. God provided a large group from our church to comfort her. Whatever you fear, He is greater. Surrender your fear today.

“OK, God, I am tired of trembling before my fears all the time; I’m ready
to surrender the throne room of my life to You and Your victory. Amen”


If you own stock in a pharmaceutical company today, you are doing well. If your company is selling something to help people relax and forget their fears, you are doing well.
Our fears seem to be running faster and are catching up with us. Polls report that some of our “favorite fears” are: being in a car crash, having cancer, inadequate Social Security, retirement without enough money, and getting AIDS. Sorry if I didn’t mention yours. It’s not a joke.
Living with fear, adjusting life because of fear, seeing a counselor for help with fear; all of these are major issues today. As a Christian I am torn between my faith and my feeling.Which one will win? The Bible tells me “There is no fear in love. But, perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:15 NIV) Wow! Does that mean that my fear is my fault? Does this mean that I do not have to be a victim of fear?
I know that Jesus is the perfect love who is able to drive fear from me. David, in the Old Testament, had a lot of faith and a lot of fear. He concluded “When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?” (Psalm 56:3-4)
That is a very practical approach to fear. Look it straight in the eye. Identify it. And immediately pass it on to Jesus like a hot potato. Why should you be troubled and made miserable by something that Jesus is able to defeat? God has provisions for you. He will equip you to face your fears.
I met a woman in the hospital who feared dying alone. God provided a large group from our church to comfort her. Whatever you fear, He is greater. Surrender your fear today.

“OK, God, I am tired of trembling before my fears all the time; I’m ready
to surrender the throne room of my life to You and Your victory. Amen”


If you own stock in a pharmaceutical company today, you are doing well. If your company is selling something to help people relax and forget their fears, you are doing well.
Our fears seem to be running faster and are catching up with us. Polls report that some of our “favorite fears” are: being in a car crash, having cancer, inadequate Social Security, retirement without enough money, and getting AIDS. Sorry if I didn’t mention yours. It’s not a joke.
Living with fear, adjusting life because of fear, seeing a counselor for help with fear; all of these are major issues today. As a Christian I am torn between my faith and my feeling.Which one will win? The Bible tells me “There is no fear in love. But, perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:15 NIV) Wow! Does that mean that my fear is my fault? Does this mean that I do not have to be a victim of fear?
I know that Jesus is the perfect love who is able to drive fear from me. David, in the Old Testament, had a lot of faith and a lot of fear. He concluded “When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?” (Psalm 56:3-4)
That is a very practical approach to fear. Look it straight in the eye. Identify it. And immediately pass it on to Jesus like a hot potato. Why should you be troubled and made miserable by something that Jesus is able to defeat? God has provisions for you. He will equip you to face your fears.
I met a woman in the hospital who feared dying alone. God provided a large group from our church to comfort her. Whatever you fear, He is greater. Surrender your fear today.

“OK, God, I am tired of trembling before my fears all the time; I’m ready
to surrender the throne room of my life to You and Your victory. Amen”


If you own stock in a pharmaceutical company today, you are doing well. If your company is selling something to help people relax and forget their fears, you are doing well.
Our fears seem to be running faster and are catching up with us. Polls report that some of our “favorite fears” are: being in a car crash, having cancer, inadequate Social Security, retirement without enough money, and getting AIDS. Sorry if I didn’t mention yours. It’s not a joke.
Living with fear, adjusting life because of fear, seeing a counselor for help with fear; all of these are major issues today. As a Christian I am torn between my faith and my feeling.Which one will win? The Bible tells me “There is no fear in love. But, perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:15 NIV) Wow! Does that mean that my fear is my fault? Does this mean that I do not have to be a victim of fear?
I know that Jesus is the perfect love who is able to drive fear from me. David, in the Old Testament, had a lot of faith and a lot of fear. He concluded “When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?” (Psalm 56:3-4)
That is a very practical approach to fear. Look it straight in the eye. Identify it. And immediately pass it on to Jesus like a hot potato. Why should you be troubled and made miserable by something that Jesus is able to defeat? God has provisions for you. He will equip you to face your fears.
I met a woman in the hospital who feared dying alone. God provided a large group from our church to comfort her. Whatever you fear, He is greater. Surrender your fear today.

“OK, God, I am tired of trembling before my fears all the time; I’m ready
to surrender the throne room of my life to You and Your victory. Amen”


If you own stock in a pharmaceutical company today, you are doing well. If your company is selling something to help people relax and forget their fears, you are doing well.
Our fears seem to be running faster and are catching up with us. Polls report that some of our “favorite fears” are: being in a car crash, having cancer, inadequate Social Security, retirement without enough money, and getting AIDS. Sorry if I didn’t mention yours. It’s not a joke.
Living with fear, adjusting life because of fear, seeing a counselor for help with fear; all of these are major issues today. As a Christian I am torn between my faith and my feeling.Which one will win? The Bible tells me “There is no fear in love. But, perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:15 NIV) Wow! Does that mean that my fear is my fault? Does this mean that I do not have to be a victim of fear?
I know that Jesus is the perfect love who is able to drive fear from me. David, in the Old Testament, had a lot of faith and a lot of fear. He concluded “When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?” (Psalm 56:3-4)
That is a very practical approach to fear. Look it straight in the eye. Identify it. And immediately pass it on to Jesus like a hot potato. Why should you be troubled and made miserable by something that Jesus is able to defeat? God has provisions for you. He will equip you to face your fears.
I met a woman in the hospital who feared dying alone. God provided a large group from our church to comfort her. Whatever you fear, He is greater. Surrender your fear today.

“OK, God, I am tired of trembling before my fears all the time; I’m ready
to surrender the throne room of my life to You and Your victory. Amen”

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


My summer has had one big disappointment: the Indigo Bunting has not visited. The brilliant colors always bless me but not this year. I’m still hoping. But God never leaves us disappointed about His creation, He has sent some goldfinch that have become permanent guests. I believe God has a special purpose for each creation and I am wondering what truth the goldfinch brings. Maybe the beauty is to remind me of Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NIV) “He has made everything beautiful in its time.”
I admit that the beauty of the bird often causes me to smile a prayer of gratitude to God. The bird’s diet is unusual. Who would ever think of eating thistles? But, again I am brought back to the wisdom of Ecclesiastes: “There is a time for everything, and a reason for every activity under Heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NIV)
If there is something in the created world, God made it and He planned a use for it. That’s plain enough in the Bible. It surely works for the goldfinch and the thistle. But what about the standing-on-your-head routine for eating your meals? Why go upside down to eat, no one else does? That probably was good enough for God. Why should God’s special handiwork be like every other bird?
The world suffers today from peer pressure and ‘keeping up with the Joneses’ and ‘everybody is doing it’ thinking. God’s people are to be different from the crowd. “Therefore, come out from them and be separate, says the Lord.” (2 Corinthians 6:17 NIV)
Christians will never make a difference in the world by walking, talking, dressing and drinking like the masses. Maybe that’s what Paul’s enemies had in mind when they shouted “these that have turned the world upside down are come here, also.” (Acts 17:7 KJV) We need more Godly upside down people to have an effect on the world. Thanks, Goldfinch!

“God, it is exciting to consider the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of your creation; thank
You for the simple purpose for mankind was just to love and serve You. Amen”

Monday, June 11, 2007


I described in this blog yesterday how the Rescue Squad reminded me of the New Testament Church with its immediate availability to help me, no strings attached. Well, we arrived at the Emergency Room and I discovered that the Emergency Room doesn’t operate like the Rescue squad.
On the way to the Emergency Room, the message was radioed that I was being transported to the hospital. The first message that came back replied that I might not receive help for a while, it was an extremely busy time at the Hospital..
We arrived and I was wheeled into a cubicle. One of the first questions that I was asked was “how serious” was my condition. Then another person came and asked me if I had medical insurance and then began to ask me all of the proper questions to my being a recipient of their care.
But as I was continuing to reflect on the New Testament Church, I could not help but question: did I receive special attention because I had insurance or did I receive special love because I was a known local minister who often visited patients in the Hospital? There is, of necessity, a screening procedure at any hospital.
The question now pops up: does the church have a screening procedure for the persons it ministers to, whether of necessity or by choice? Subtle or obvious? Does your church lovingly respond to everyone who comes and makes the extra effort to meet their needs or does it send them on to another church? Is it easier for a church to be a Rescue Squad than a Emergency Room?
Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28 NIV) The church must be saying the same thing, she cannot afford to do otherwise.
When the church begins to sort out the ‘right kind” of people it wants to help and reach with ministry, it has lost the right to be called “church”. The church will win back its place of impact when it recovers a servant heart. Even people who never enter a church building have a strong feeling of what the church is supposed to be.

“God, we know that the Church was the special dream that You had in your
heart from the beginning; what a special dream for a broken world! Amen”

Sunday, June 10, 2007


I will never forget Rescue Squad Station Number 18. I had an allergic reaction. My eyes reddened and became itchy. I began to have difficulty breathing. My wife began driving me to the Emergency Room. Because the situation was becoming scary, we stopped at Station 18. I knocked on the door and was met by three people, then several other people emerged.
They greeted me with this question: “How can we help you?” They didn’t ask if I was rich or poor. They didn’t ask if I was gay or straight. They didn’t ask if I was divorced or married. They didn’t ask if I was an alcoholic or a drug addict. They simply received me and began to care for me by giving me oxygen, then an injection while transporting me to the hospital. They surrounded my wife in a circle of concern. It was the best definiton of the word “church” that I had seen in a long time. I was a person in need, they offered all the help they could immediately, no strings attached.
Jesus said “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink” (John 7:37 NIV) In Revelation 22:17 (NIV) He says “Come! Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.”
Today, many churches have become exclusive. If you don’t pass the requirement of race, place, face, or politics, you are not acceptable. How did the contemporary church arrive at the place of changing the inclusiveness of Jesus to the exclusiveness of men’s requirements? So many so-called “growing churches” are not offering a servant attitude to a broken people. So much brokenness in our world, demands unconditional love from the churches.
The uniqueness of the New Testament church was it’s ready ministry, in Jesus’ name, to everyone. No strings attached! Thanks, Station 18 for the lesson in what it means to be church.

“You have called us, Lord of the Church, to be sure that our organizations copy
all that you did in welcoming people to taste the love of God. Help us do it! Amen”

Saturday, June 9, 2007


If you can read this, thank your teacher. Is that original with me? No, I read it on a bumper sticker. Which means? Right! I graduated. Graduation is about moving on, a rite of passage, or being suddenly thrust into the adult world.
The American culture is strange that way. As long as you are a student, certain allowances are made for you because you are a “student”. You can make a fool of yourself in campus riots or weekend drinking parties and people will sigh and say “they are just students.” Then, in one hour of ceremony you are given a sheet of finely engraved paper and you are supposed to radically change and become more mature in your outlook.
Remember what the Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 13:11 ? “When I was a child I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child, but when I became a man I put away childish things.”
There will be a lot of young people who will long to return to the child-state-of-being in the next few weeks as adults try to force them to stop being childish. The liberty and independence (long desired by teen-agers) of adulthood carries a very heavy cost of responsibility.
Perhaps David was reminiscing about his youth when he said, “but I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me.” (Psalm 131:2) These young graduates need a lot of help. The insulated world of study has given some a feeling of invincibility and many will be hurt this summer because of it.
Teach your graduate to pray, they need to pray. For example, teach them this prayer: “Lord, turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue; be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me.” (Psalm 31:2) Give them something practical for a graduation gift, like a Bible. It will last hem a lifetime, long after the diploma has faded.

“Dear God, may these graduates be wise enough to know that they cannot
make it through life successfully without You. Amen”


It is one of our most popular “rites of passage”: Graduation! Society has placed several on the road from childhood to adulthood and even a couple of extras for those who want to become “leaders” in their field.
Graduation can be pretty heady stuff for some people. It can become “ego feed” for any person that has a high view of “self-importance”. On the other hand, an insecure person may find it devastating not to receive recognition on Graduation day.
Parents need to instill in their children a balanced view of this “rite of passage”. Yes, it is important to successfully graduate from any course. Yes, we should use our mental abilities at the very highest level of effectiveness. But all of us know people with much ‘book knowledge” but no “common sense”. All of us know people who have much “world knowledge” but have no “spiritual knowledge.”
Is that a complete person? I don’t think so. Why? Paul discovered this fact. Intellectually, he had arrived. He was an acknowledged scholar. He was a rabbi. He was a lawyer with a specialty in Religious Law. He was famous. Then, he woke up one morning with a dull taste in his mouth. “I consider all I have accomplished as rubbish.” You can have all the success the world offers and be bored with life. When Paul became a Christian, he realized what he had missed. Then he said “Forgetting what is behind me (his worldly success) and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13-14 NIV)
If you are the graduate or a friend of the graduate, be sure that they know the “passage” to a relationship with Jesus. It will make the rest of their earthly pilgrimage worth living.

“Father, You are the Source of all knowledge. Help us in our quest for
knowledge and then bless us with the wisdom needed to apply it. Amen”

Thursday, June 7, 2007


There is a human frailty of failing to remember important events and their significance. Even when an effort is made to create a “memory maker”. In Genesis 8:20ff is recorded Noah’s reaction to God after being delivered from the Flood. Noah built an altar and made a covenant with God but soon forgot it in an orgy of drunkenness. His family life suffered tremendously from it. Also, in 1 Samuel 7:12 is the account of Samuel building an altar and setting a memorial stone to the Lord’s deliverance of His people from the Philistines. “Thus far has the Lord helped us” it read. But the Israelites soon forgot the Lord’s deliverance.
You will find the Old Testament sprinkled with the stories of building altars of remembrance but history related they degenerated from reminder to mechanical acts of animal sacrifice to a meaningless decoration on the landscape.
For Christians, the Lord’s Supper is just the same. Jesus gave this dynamic reminder to His first followers and said “do this to remind yourselves of me until I come back.” (Matthew 26:17-30) In the first century it was a dynamic experience for Christians to celebrate the reminder. But then it seems the significance began to lessen and memories got weaker and then it became a decoration in the church program.
Now, in our generation, many people can go to church and participate in the Last Supper (Holy Communion and Lord’s Supper are other names used) and nothing of the true meaning ever grips their hearts or shakes up their living. Instead of tear-filled eyes of gratitude, eyes are dry and blank after being reminded of the most significant event in human history. God’s Son gave His life for our sin! When this happens, the “reminder” has lost it’s power and has become a mere ritual.
Look into your life and examine your history. You may be ignoring some important reminders. Thank God today for His reminders to you.

“Lest we forget, Blessed Redeemer, pour some spiritual ice water on our
memories to awaken us to a fresh reliving of your great love for mankind. Amen”

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


I wonder how many times he thought of it the rest of his life or how many times he must have remembered when he was in a crisis? “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you., Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” (Luke 22:32 NIV) What a statement to pick up your courage or to strengthen your resolve to be a faithful Christian! “I have prayed for you” said Jesus our advocate, our intercessor, our mediator.
The Bible says in 1 Timothy 2:5 that we only need one mediator because there is only one true mediator for mankind. “For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” Believer: your mediator is praying for you. Hebrews 7:25 (NIV) says “He always lives to intercede for them.” (His saved ones)
Lift up those drooping shoulders. Pick up that sagging confidence, child, He is praying for you. Your Savior knows your name and your situation. Just as surely as God knew that Satan was attacking Job (Job 1:8-12) and that He was going to take Job’s side, God knows that He is going to take your side today when you are pressured.
Victory is yours! Your faith will not fail! Your Lord has faith in you when you don’t have faith in yourself because He has promised you “I am with you always.” (Matthew 28:20)
Jesus has confidence in his prayers. Just as He expected Simon to be strengthened and to overcome Satan’s testings, so He expects of you. Just as he expected Simon to encourage his fellow believers after the victorious moment, so He expects you. Hebrews 12:5 says that Jesus is the mediator of a new living covenant between you and God. Be thrilled by it!

“God, when You say You are on our side because we have received Jesus as
our Personal Savior, that really is a spiritual pick-me-up in times of crisis. Amen”

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


I once heard it said that “as” is the most terrifying word in the Bible. Think about it’s usage. “As you have done it unto the least of these, my brothers, you have done it unto me.”(Matthew 25:40) “As you would that men would do to you, do you even so to them.” (Matthew 7:12)
We do so many things and say even more things without considering the consequences. “As” is a word that demands accountability. “As” is a reminder that there are consequences for all our actions and words. In the terrible events of the school shootings and post office shootings, we have hurt and confused individuals responding “as” they have been treated.
“As you sow so shall you reap” (Galatians 6:7) has long been a standard of judgement in the Bible. Sin refuses to be hidden very long. The seeds of sin always take root and bear fruit. “As it is appointed unto men to die, it is appointed to man to face the judgement”.(Hebrews 9:27)
Some realities are inescapable, no matter where you turn. “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7) Evil imaginations and fantasies have a way of seeping out and the real person is revealed. Many religious hypocrites have been exposed by this terrifying truth. Truth challenges us “as many as received Him, to them He gave the power to become children of God.” (John 1:12) If you have not received Jesus, why then would you pretend to be a child of God?
When discussing man’s foolishness in talking with assurance about future plans, James said “As it is, you boast and brag. All such boasting is evil. Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” (James 4:16-17 NIV)
To catch the impact of this little word ‘as” in the Bible, use a colored marker for the next few weeks and underline it. God’s “little words” are “big” in their impact. “But” is another powerful little word.

“Father, it is clear that when You speak there is a ring of authority,
regardless of the size of the word You use. Help us to listen closely. Amen”

Monday, June 4, 2007


Let me tell you my favorite verse in the Bible. It’s found in the Gospel of John, chapter 1, verse 12: “For to everyone who received Him, to all who believed on His name, He gave them the right to be called children of God.” This verse says it all. Every non-Christian in the world needs this verse. Every church-going religious person, operating on a second-hand religion, needs this verse, too.
The affirmative offer is for anyone who will receive Jesus; not for those who want to read about Jesus or think about Jesus or argue about Jesus. The key is to receive Jesus. Notice: not receiving sacraments or ordinances of the church but receiving Jesus. Many have stumbled at this point and ended up miserable. You need to receive Jesus the same way you would any other guest who would come to your door; you open the door and invite him into your life. Another way of saying this is “to believe in His name.” The word “believe” means to trust with all your heart.
When all of the historical facts about Jesus have been assimilated in the intellect, you transfer all of this to a faith commitment to Jesus.
Or, when you believe enough in what you know about Jesus you trust your life to Him. Instantly, He will make you His child and give you the right to be called “a child of God.”
This experience is also called “the new birth” or “the second birth”. This is a spiritual birth in the inner person that will be evidenced by a new lifestyle. I don’t remember (of course) the day I was born the earthly child of my mother and father, but I will never forget the day I was born the child of my heavenly father. Now you know why I love John 1:12. Try it on for size, you may come to love it, also.

“Dear God, as You have used this verse to be such a blessing in my life,
I pray that this verse today will change a reader’s life for eternity. Amen”

Sunday, June 3, 2007


Where is all this anger coming from in these young people? This is not a war-torn country, victimized by ethnic cleansing that can release unbelievable anger, kids “acting out” in horrible ways. This is in suburbia, the area of spoiled children who have had so much material advantage, yet are consumed with anger. Where does it come from? I think there are three sources.
The first source is our sinful nature, in rebellion against God. “Fits of rage” is on the list of the characteristics of a person without God in control. (Galatians 5:20 NIV)
The second source is the breakdown of the family. Children suffering the pain of divorce have to deal with anger. They are angry at the parent who deceived their mom or dad, they are angry at the parent who gave them up, they are angry at the parent who wasn’t faithful, they are angry at the parent who put their selfish desire before child nurture. This list is long.
The third source is the example of adults. What do you see adults doing? Angrily shouting at one another, or even physically attacking one another? Blowing the horn excessively in traffic? “Flipping-off” the people in the next car? Shouting profanity at the Little League umpire? Heatedly criticizing the Church leadership?
The list gets longer as we consider all the “adult acts” that children copy. It is not wonder that there is very little respect for the law! Even church softball games get forfeited because of angry adults. Prime-time sporting events on TV are truly shameful.
In this kind of world, children don’t have a chance. They are told not to get angry and have temper tantrums but are not taught ‘how” to do it.
Yes, it is a spiritual issue. Insecurity breeds anger, so does fear. Only God can give peace, and constraint to an angry heart. To represent Jesus we must not be quick-tempered or violent. (Titus 1:7 NIV) Children are entrusted to us by God for their care and nurture.

“O God, the vile demon of anger is always pushing us to make a fool
of ourselves. May we realize our hopelessness and give anger to You.

Saturday, June 2, 2007


The children are going to school but the parents are being tested, everyday of the week. Many parents would object, they don’t wish to be tested on how they are raising their children. But you can’t avoid it. Parents, even if your child has entered college your effectiveness is still being tested. What kind of job have you done? Does your child obey the rules? Does your child respect the teachers? And the rights of the other children? Are your children polite? Are your children able to speak without using abusive and profane words? Everything that parents teach their children is tested in the public arena of the school. Proverbs 22:6 (NIV) states the rule clearly: “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not turn from it.” The number one place of training is the home. The school works with the product prepared in the home. In the home the child is prepared emotionally, socially, and spiritually to learn publicly. In the home the child learns the social skills necessary for community living. What is your rate of effectiveness as a teacher? Parents must diligently follow the rule that the Maker gave in the Owner’s Handbook to be able to pass this test. Deuteronomy 6:6-9 (NIV) “These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” The key words to remember are “talk”, “tie”, “bind”, and “write’. A faithful following of God’s injunction can give you a sense of peace when your children enter the classroom and your exam begins. Your local church can give you tutorial help if you ask them for it.

“God, grant that the fruits of our labors will be acceptable in Your sight
and a blessing to all who live in our community. Amen”

Friday, June 1, 2007


One of the clearly defined teachings of the Christian Bible is the sanctity of marriage. That is, marriage as the proper relationship in which to use the gift of sex. Pre-marital sex or sex outside of marriage for married folks is clearly forbidden, for a lot of good reasons. To break this law of God has painful consequences, just as with any other law of God.
It has been pointed out by several family therapist that sex, other than that allowed by the Word of God, is a “hollow parody” of the real thing.
Everyone knows that marriage is supposed to be special; a child may not know why but because weddings are a big deal in our society, it is easy to assume that this is “something special”. Just a few questions can clarify how special.
It predicts the possibility of permanent happiness for the two people involved. Sexuality in this relationship is secure and life-enriching. Insecure children and adults, longing for meaningful and intimate relationships, enter into sexual relations and by mimicking marriage, think to capture love. To imitate “love” or “commitment” will lead to another disappointment. This intentional mockery of a permanent commitment leads to personal and family disintegration.
Remember Joseph and Mary? The Bible says in Matthew 1:24ff that “Joseph took Mary home as his wife but he didn’t have a sexual relationship with her until after Jesus was born.” Mary and Joseph allowed the Lord to direct their marriage; they had many children and stayed together until Joseph died.
Genesis 2:24 says that in marriage, “a man and woman are joined together and became one flesh.” When this happens, there is no shame in their sexual relationship. Their being “one flesh” is symbolized in the sexual union.
This is God’s plan. Anything less is a hollow parody, empty of meaning and doomed to failure.

“Father God, thank you for such a perfect plan for being good stewards of
our sexuality. Forgive us for taking short-cuts and missing a blessing. Amen”