Saturday, December 8, 2007

December 9: THE SIXTH OF TEN

A God of Life created the first family and they made one of the first hateful acts that has followed man from the Paradise of Eden. So, God has to include Exodus 20:13 as the 6th Commandment; “you shall not murder.” There was jealousy between the brothers and Cain killed Abel. Why can’t man learn to settle his differences peacefully? But it is more than that. For every act of murder there is a reflection back to the very First command. “You shall have no other gods before me.” Submission to God could be the basis of resolution to all misunderstandings. But egotistical man takes things in his own hand. As I write this the news is filled with the story of the young man in Omaha, Nebraska who has murdered a group of folks in a Mall.
Life is in God’s hands, He is the originator of life and only He should decide when that life ends. We can’t give life, so we should not take it. We cannot excuse the death penalty. Just because it is approved by the State does not make murder acceptable. Murder during a war is still murder. Abortion is murder. Euthanasia is murder. Starving people is murder. Allowing the homeless to freeze to death on the street is murder. We should be pro life in our attitude to our fellow human beings from the day they are born until the day that they die. Jesus said “I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly.” As long as a person is alive we must do all we can to preserve their lives.
Life is sacred! Jesus came into the world and gave his life for the salvation of every man, woman, and child. As long as there is life, there is the possibility that a person can receive Jesus and be saved. I am thankful for the Christian Chaplains that work at the prisons and on the battlefield to offer the hope of eternal life to the dying.
Whatever side of the political walk you are on I think that you know that God has no favorites, God doesn’t care who wins the war, God only cares that both sides be saved through Jesus Christ. God wants the wars to end so men and women can hear the Gospel of Peace.
If you still have influence over your children or grandchildren, I hope you use every opportunity to teach them this Commandment.

“God, we have this terrible gimmick of depersonalizing your creations and then
killing them. Show us that giving them numbers or ugly names changes nothing.

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