Monday, March 12, 2007


Why are many churches one-half empty at their prime worship hour? OK, be an optimist; Why are so many churches half-full at their prime worship hour? The church has gotten away from her roots. In this world where consumerism is the driving force, consumerism has gotten into the church. The church now focuses on giving people what they want, even if she must sacrifice doctrine and compromise standards to do so. Entertain them or they won’t come back !
Jesus founded His church to lay an attack against the gates of Hell (Matthew 16:18). He loved the church so much that He died for it. The church was founded to be about the work of God, not entertainment. The church was a gathered group (literally “called out”) of people focusing on preaching the Gospel, teaching the Word of God, discipling believers in personal holiness and equipping believers to minister in a broken world: serious business because the world was in such a mess. Being a follower of Christ meant being caught up in this process and giving the best of your life to help it along. Sound demanding? Absolutely! Passionate? Of course.
A far cry from current church visitors asking “What does your church have to offer?” or “What can your church do for us?” It sounds like people shopping for socks or underwear. Whatever happened to people asking “Is there a place for me to serve here?” or “How can I help this church fulfill her ministry?” It might have a greater impact than just being spiritually entertained in a “Super” Church.
Vibrant, vital, and fruit-bearing churches are those that are striving to please the Lord, not the whims of a consumer-driven society. If a church will be true to her mission of clearly proclaiming the truth, the Lord of the church will give her people who understand that call. This will be more challenging than fund-raising and covered dishes.
To put it another way “ask not what the church can do for you but what you can do for the church”.

“Lord of the Church, grant us a passion like Jesus. We know it can’t be as
strong as His but it can be like His and that would change our churches. Amen”

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