Monday, March 19, 2007


The Random House College Dictionary defines “Ecumenical” as “pertaining to the whole Christian church, promoting or fostering Christian unity throughout the world.” Doesn’t that sound like a good thing? You know my Baptist background by now. So, you should not be surprised that anyone who believes in the Priesthood of every Believer, Individual Soul Competency, The Autonomy of the Local Church, The Separation of Church and State, and The Lordship of Jesus Christ would want to promote and foster Christian unity. The Lordship of Jesus Christ demands obedience to His command “love one another”. (John 15:17) Last Sunday I worshipped in a non-Baptist congregation. It was wonderful. I was blessed. And as I sat there I thought about the large number of people who would drive by that building and never consider entering just because of the sign out front. Mind made up! Convinced that God only works in “their kind” of church! Missing out on a great blessing!
All of us need to get out of our religious comfort zone and worship with Christians of different races and doctrinal distinctives just for the surprise blessing that is waiting. Shake hands and hug necks in another place! That’s what Heaven will be about. I have several non-negotiables in my belief box but if you pin me down there is only one non-negotiable in the Bible. Ready for it? The Lordship of Jesus Christ! Anytime you find people who claim that; you are with family.
If you want an inconspicuous time to visit another church, the Lenten Season is great. Most large cities and even rural villages tend to have Joint Lenten Worship. It won’t be noticed that you did something different. Don’t ask me to explain why Christians will share a little in the Easter time and not the rest of the year. I suggest: confess “Jesus is Lord”, then read Acts 2:1-11, and then get on with the business of promoting Christian unity.

“Lord, You have already made us “one”. All we have to do is begin
living out the reality of “oneness”. May this be the year we start. Amen”

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