Sunday, June 17, 2007


A secretary at the doctor’s office spontaneously started telling me about her experiences in Vacation Bible School. Her life was still being impacted by what happened many years ago. Vacation Bible School may be one of the wisest and most fruitful investments that a church ever makes. Generally speaking, a child will receive more focused Bible study in one week than that child would normally get in five months of church attendance.
Young lives can be changed and redirected in five days. I pray that God will bless in a special way any Christian who gives a week of vacation to teach children the Bible. Very encouraging in contemporary church life is the number of men who take a week of vacation to help point youngsters to Jesus. Some of you reading this blog are where you are today because of a spiritual foundation you received in Vacation Bible School.
As always, atheistic and agnostic adults will enroll their children for a week of free baby-sitting service but that is all right; many of those children too will become Christians. Many Christians first met Jesus when their parents took them home for a week at Grandmother’s house to go to Vacation Bible School.
There will be very few pictures or articles in newspapers, or mention on the evening news of the effect of Vacation Bible School on America. Nevertheless, the American society will be greatly blessed by this summer’s harvest of young souls through Vacation Bible School.
Remember how Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14 NIV)? We have a simple way to obey this teaching. The uninformed may think it just a part of American culture. Christians know it is a God-given tool to evangelize and disciple children. Training children spiritually is the only motivation for Vacation Bible Schools. Be sure to take your children or grand-children to a V.B.S. near you.

“Dear God, I will never forget attending my first Vacation Bible School,
thank You for the people You have used to teach kids the truth. Amen”

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