Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I always read with interest the religious polls and surveys that are reported in the news or sent to me. It amazes me that so many people can claim religious feelings or principles in answering an anonymous question but show little evidence in the life of the community of life-changing convictions. Then I read 2 Corinthians 13:5 (NIV), “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves.”
Here is a challenge to conduct a poll of one: With yourself! No one is taking notes. No one will read the results. The only question is: “Are you in the faith?” Not, “Are you in the church?” Not, “Are you a religious person?” Not, “Do you believe in a Supreme Being?” Not, “Do you think elected officials should be religious?” Just a simple question, “Are you in the faith?”
This will clear away all of the side issues. This has nothing to do with traditional values or community acceptance.
“Are you in the faith?” If you are, you should start living up to your faith. It will be the controlling force of your life. It will define you. It will give purpose to your life.
Many ask, “How can this be such a religious country and yet have so many moral and ethical problems?” That’s it! We are a religious country, we have many religious people. We are not a people of faith. People of faith are controlled by their faith, people of religion control their religion. They master it, they determine the appropriate time to use their religion. Not so with faith. Faith demands to be heard in every situation.
The polls may reveal nothing about you. Your faith will reveal all about you. In James 2:18 (NIV) the declaration is, “I will show you my faith by what I do.” Religious people will disappoint you. Faith people do not disappoint.

“God, save me from being a phony! Save me from talking about faith
and then not living up to what I profess to believe. Amen”

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