Friday, October 5, 2007


The myth now lies crumpled on the ground around us. Some tried to pretend that it had not fallen. Some tried to prop it up, hoping no one would notice its condition. Some denied it; the idea being too frightening to accept as true. I speak of the myth that our country is a “Christian nation”.
It is time for us to face up to the fact and begin to deal with it in a realistic way. That can be a major challenge for us the rest of this year. Crime of all kinds, corruption in high political places and local jurisdictions, rejection of biblically-based values; these are just a few signs to say “the myth is dead”.
That’s why I want to suggest that we turn to a “two-minute drill”. This is nothing new, professional football teams practice a two-minute drill all the time. It is an intense effort to try to change the situation that exists. For the sensitive Christian this will be a reminder that things are not what they should be for a would-be Christian nation.
Rather than be thrown into times of grief, hand-wringing, or blaming, enter a two-minute period of prayer. Just draw aside in the chapel of your heart to repent of your part in the death and ask God to renew your faith. Ask God to restore genuine joy to your life.
Pray David’s prayer from Psalm 51:12, “restore to me the joy of your salvation.” Pray for the people around you to come to know personally the Prince of Peace. Ask God to give you an opportunity to tell them about the “Son of Man who has come to seek and to save those who are lost.” (Luke 19:10)
The death of the myth now puts the gospel in our hands to proclaim each day. Ours is a pluralistic culture now. We can never reclaim the state of being a “Christian nation”, but we can gradually work and pray until the number of Christians multiply far beyond what it is today. We do not need a state-coerced religion; we need a spontaneous celebration of the Christian faith.

“Forgive us, O God, for assuming that You were always on our side
regardless of what we did or refused to do. Help us to join You. Amen”

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