Thursday, October 4, 2007


“I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord.’”(Psalm 122:1) That simple little chorus will be sung this Sunday by more people than you can imagine.
If you take all the people going to a college stadium Saturday singing their favorite “fight song”, add to this all of the people going to the stadium on Sunday cheering their favorite professional football team singing “Hail to the Redskins” (or whatever) plus all the people going to Playoff baseball games singing “Take me out to the ballgame”, you still won’t have as many people as those singing the little chorus “I Was Glad When They Said Unto Me.”
The little chorus will be sung by Christians all over the country. In large cathedrals, in country chapels, in suburban auditoriums, and storefront churches, people will be excited and happy about going to worship.
Yes, there will be a lot of Sunday morning grumps who won’t have anything to sing about. There will be some guilt-ridden people who will stay in bed because they have lost their song.
But this large multitude that knows no class, color, or cultural boundary will be joyfully going to worship, singing the chorus as they go, “I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord.’”
This chorus is called a song of Ascent in the Bible. It is a song for people going to worship. It is a song for people who live with one eye on eternity. It is a song for people who refuse to get trapped in the “here and now” and lose sight of the Ultimate Reality which is God.
The problems of this world will not defeat them, the sorrows of life will not get them down. Perhaps you would like to join them Sunday? It would be a good time for you to show the world whose side you are on.

“So many of us, Dear God, learned that chorus when we were young but
somehow we forgot the tune while fighting life’s battles. Remind us! Amen”

1 comment:

Prophetess White said...

Pastor Charlie, Grace, Mercy and Peace be Multiplied unto you this day. The Words and thoughts for the Day that you give are life. In devotion this morning, I asked the Lord what did He want to hear, and He gave me a Song.
"Precious Jesus,How I love thee. How I lift high my voice with your praise. Holy Spirit, I implore you, touch my heart, as my lips part your praise. I am persuaded Lord to love thee. I have been SAVED to bless your name. I am constrained by this Great Gospel forever to Worship Thee."

Pastor, then Father blessed me to read, Psalm 126. A song of Ascent, which led me to your Website. 50 years in Ministry is a Miracle in itself. Continue in the Faith! 1Cor. 15:58 (KJV) "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord." I will enjoy praying for you. The bible also says, "For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister." Hebrews 6:10 I love You, and with your permission, I would enjoy Passing on your words of life and encouragement Father God gave you for future generations. God Bless you, and may Heaven Smile upon you, and your Family. I too am a Co-Laborer of the Gospel, my name is Prophetess Davina White Let's keep in touch! Email: