Tuesday, January 30, 2007


The Church is badly fragmented and divided and some professing Christians seem to like it that way. Their plan for growth is to capitalize on division and present themselves as the only answer to the division. Instead of churches working together, many "do their own thing". The competition between churches of the same denomination is sometimes more fierce than the competition between denominations. (The Bible approves neither.)
The "seamless garment" of Jesus (John 19:25) may have escaped tearing in pieces at His crucifixion but it is not so fortunate in this era. Pride is the root of this problem. Spiritual egotism is a high spiritual crime. 1 Corinthians 12:14ff (NIV) "Now the body is not made up of one part, but of many. If the foot should say 'Because I am not the hand, I do not belong to the body' it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. The eye cannot say to the hand 'I don't need you!' And the head cannot say to the feet 'I don't need you!' If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it."
The Church is crippled by the "I don't need you" attitude. Only a few local churches are ever repreented in a Community Worship service. Most ministers know only the ministers of their own denominational persuasion and even that may not be on an intimate level. Racial, cultural, language, and even doctrinal differences are easily overcome by lovers of Jesus who make the effort.
Do you have a plan that once you arrive in Heaven you will automatically drop your exclusive attitude and accept all Christians equally? If you can't treat fellow Christians as brothers and sisters here you may not have the opportunity over there.

"Kill our pride, God. Stab it in the heart. It is dividing
your Church. We need one another! Help! Amen"


Did you ever consider launching a pre-emptive strike of forgiveness? Can you imagine the number of hurt feelings released, grudges not carried, hostilities buried just by the rational act of forgiving someone? Are you a member of a family where some members never attend the "Family Reunion" because of a unresolved hurt?
Yes, a pre-emptive strike of forgiveness! Like Jesus on the cross when He said "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." (Luke 23:34 NIV) He just laid out the forgiveness for those hard-hearts and ours before we asked for it. I read a man's testimony wherein he said "I did not ask for forgiveness until I knew I had been forgiven." Can you imagine the number of divorce proceedings that would have been dropped if somebody had said "I forgive you"? The longer you carry a grudge the more it hurts you. Lay it down! Make the phone call. Write the letter. Unforgiveness is an emotional sickness. James 5:16 ties forgiveness to healing.
Let's not play the game "I will forgive but I can't forget." You can't do one without the other. Peter the fisherman tried that game with Jesus. He thought it would be magnanimous if he forgave seven times. (Seven was a good religious number!) Jesus answered "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times." (Matthew 18:22 NIV) In other words, every time the bad thought pops up shoot it down with forgiveness. Ephesians 4:32 (NIV) "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." You and I both know that God has forgiven us for many more bad things we have done to Him than any human has ever done to us.
Go on, make at least one "Forgiveness Initiative" today. Blessed are the Peacemakers! Those who give it and those who receive it.

"Dear Jesus, You offered us forgiveness when we had done
nothing to deserve it. Help us by Your Spirit to copy You.Amen"

Monday, January 29, 2007


I think the two hardest words to say in the English language are "I'm sorry." I don't know why that is such a foreign idea to most people. In recent years there have been attempts at reconciliation between groups, including Church groups, and they have failed because those involved couldn't say "I'm sorry." Attempts continue to be made to legislate an apology from a certain group and the political fall-out is announced in the daily news. For some a "group apology" carries no weight. For others, it is enough that a "group apology" acknowledges that a wrong was done. One thing for sure, its hard to get a unanimous vote on a motion to apologize. I concluded from this that if I can't be personally sorry for action I did not personally commit, I can be personally sorry for the resulting pain that the offended folks experience.
"I'm sorry" must begin at home. Couples need to practice apologizing at the beginning of a marriage so the children can be raised in this atmosphere. Children learn by imitation. Apology should come naturally. (If need be, get in front of a mirror and practice saying "I'm sorry."
Some macho-minded folks think an apology is a sign of weakness. Be quick to say "I'm sorry", it shows how secure you are as a person to be able to admit that you are wrong. Don't make someone have to "demand" a apology from you. Just do it! If they say 'thats ok, I wasn't offended" just remember that you are responsible for the apology and not the results. James 5:16 (NIV) advises "confess your sins each to the other and pray for each othert so that you may be healed." Apologizing is about healing a hurt or wound and could end some of our brokenness. Apology is simple Christian kindness or politeness that leaves a sweet fragrance in the air.

"Save me from stubborness and persisting in defending my wrong actions and
words, Patient God. I need to swallow my pride and learn to say 'I'm sorry'. My family
would be glad. Amen"

Sunday, January 28, 2007


"What can I do about slowing down and having more time for God?" The question is raised often. Those people who suddenly quit everything in their fast-paced world and retreat to an island and live on native fruit have a lot of secret admirers. I recently heard of a person in Senior management who resigned to become an 8 to 5 janitor. Simplify life! Slow down! Many older people long for the days of " Blue Laws" when at least Sunday was an enforced day of rest. Churches constantly adjust their schedules to compete for a "slice of the time."
A Biblical suggestion? Sure. "Make the most of every opportunity, redeem the time, guard your time" are all translations of Ephesians 5:16. Priority is a big word here. Time with God and time for God should be a priority. Your spiritual life can't survive "leftover time" for God. A Bible-reading CD for the commute time will help. A small Testament in your desk for lunch break. Inspirational music on the radio. Spiritual vitamins are available. When you turn on your computer go to the Devotional first. Concentrate on finding a "spiritual oasis" on your travel path.
Without a spiritual time priority for "family" you will lose them. Absolutely do all you can to protect "Dinner together". This is the real place where you build memories that will be the glue to hold your family together. Everybody must sit down together, thats a "got to." Holding hands and praying together says loudly that this family is looking to God for preservation. Warning: this demands a strong hand of self-discipline. Don't answer the phone during family meals. You have a Answering device. Turn off the television. Turn of all cell phones. We are talking about a lifestyle where you personally and your family collectively make time for spiritual development. Agree with David "My times are in Your hands." (Psalm 31:15 NIV)

"I know time is precious, God, because You made it and you let us use it. Give me
some smarts so I will use it wisely. Help me to use time to prepare for Eternity. Amen"

Saturday, January 27, 2007


Is your religious faith a postive or negative force in your life? Do your friends observe you as a much nicer person because of your religion or does your religion repel people? A positive or negative religion expresses itself quite differently. One lives by having strong convictions of right and wrong, moral and immoral and acting accordingly. This makes for a positive, clear-cut liefstyle.
The other lives by a strong set of pre-determined rules, usually negative type rules. The life emphasizes the negatives that have been rejected. Religious life focuses on comparing the "forbidden fruit" of my religion with the forbidden of yours. I have met people who had one question for me, namely, "What are the things that you are against?" The greater the number of negatives meaning the larger degree of personal holiness. The Pharisees of Jesus' time often came across as weighing the seriousness of everyone else's actions. The majority of people don't want to be judged and condemned by someone else's standard.
People want a message of hope to live by that will bear fruit in their lives in the form of solid convictions. Someone else's standards won't fit you. Romans 5:5 (NIV) says "hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given to us."
Hope is attractive, Hope you can share with others. Hope is positive expectation about living up to God's commands from love and not from fear, meeting God face-to-face with the expectancy of hearing "well done, good and faithful servant." Hope frees you up to do all the good you possibly can and not having any time left to get involved in negatives or things forbidden.
I remember Jesus saying to a woman caught in a terrible public sin that He would not condemn her but forgive her.

"God, I want to have solid convictions but not to condemn others. I want solid
convictions so I will not be influenced by the pressures of the world. Amen"

Friday, January 26, 2007


For several years I have had "peripheral neuropathy". Don't worry, it doesn't hurt. It has robbed me of pain sensors in my extremities. I could hurt myself badly and perhaps not know the seriousness. God gave us the gift of pain to wake us up to the need for help. Some try to ignore pain, but there will be a greater cost later. Coaches often urge their players to "play hurt" and prove their toughness of dedication to the team. The effects of that idea are lasting.
I have visited people in the hospital who said "I don't have time for this pain." You must take time for your pain, it is trying to tell you a valuable truth. The pain of falling is a key to learning for the next test. The pain of falling teaches us how to get up. The pain of sin drives us to God for overcoming power. The pain of having our feelings hurt teaches us valuable lessons on asking for and giving forgiveness.
The pain of dealing with the discontent of the status quo incites us to improve our life situation. To be pained and crushed emotionally reveals the need for people to be more caring. To endure great suffering demands of me that I be more sensitive when I meet others who are suffering. Pain is too important an asset to be wasted. Times of pain ought not just be senseless and futile journeys into the unknown.
Americans spend more money on painkillers than any other civilized country. Why? Because we have been taught that pain is bad and should be avoided at all cost.
Remember: God is there in your pain. He speaks to you and walks with you in it. (See Hebrews 11) In Isaiah 53:5 the Bible says God will heal our pains. Let Him!

"God, I should have known that my pain is known to You and that You want to help me
learn from the times when I hurt. Sometimes I hurt real bad. Give me relief and insight. Amen"

Thursday, January 25, 2007


The Pledge to the American flag promises "liberty and justice for all." Lately there are increasing signs that this is not reality. While there are sometimes complaints about the Police and "racial profiling" there is no rebuttal to the more common injustice of depersonalizing people by assigning them "categories." The list of categories gets longer: single parents, senior adults, immigrants, illegal aliens, mentally handicapped, women, mentally ill, working poor, homeless, Afican American, unemployed. A category removes faces and personalities.
Micah 6:8 (NIV) is very clear: "He has showed you, O Man, what is good and what does the Lord require of you? To act justly." Amos 5:24 (NIV) appeals "but let justice roll on like a river." Justice is to treat people without prejudice. It is to see everyone as equal. We who are privileged must not be trapped by using our privileged status. I have "skin" privilege. Because I am a Caucasian I have never been followed around in a convenience store to be sure that I would not steal. I have "language" privilege. Because I am a born English speaker store clerks will always take my purchase first. I have "gender" privilege. Because i am a tall, cleanly dressed male I get quick attention at Customer Service. My temptation is to "use" my privileged status and say to myself "well, its not my fault that they treat me better."
I must stand against injustice. Thats what Jesus did at every opportunity. Read the Bible. Jesus ministered to anyone who came to Him. Immediately! He didn't worry about whether the needy person would be grateful or if they would use the help in a worthy manner. We need to see individuals as people for whom Christ died and respond accordingly. Jesus said in Matthew 25:40 (NIV) "whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."

"God you always championed those who had no voice and no one to speak for them.
Give us voices to speak up for those who have been "categorized" and dismissed. Amen"

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


I just heard the news on the Business Report. Insurance companies have been convinced of what most people didn't want to believe, that is, Global Warming is a reality. The water level is rising along the coasts. More tropical storms are ccausing greater damage to both the East and West coasts. With so much destruction demanding so much payout, Insurance companies are simply not renewing policies on houses built along the coasts. If you are rich enough to pay a stratospheric increase in premium, you can maintain your coverage. Interesting how our government has turned a deaf ear to all of the warnings but now big business has reacted.
The facts are clear: the glaciers are melting, the global temperature is rising, sea levels are rising, health and food production is changing, some specimens are becoming extinct. Yet major industry companies continue to oppose proposals to cut climate changing pollution. Mandatory controls on carbon dioxide and other "greenhouse gases" are rejected. Look how long it has taken to finally get hybrid-autos on the road. We just keep building malls where trees used to stand and cover the surface with concrete and asphalt.
Galatians 6:7 (NIV) says "A man reaps what he sowes." We are doing this to ourselves! Genesis 1 relates that God created our world and then created man to take care of it and said specifically in verse 28 "fill the earth and subdue it". Man promptly concluded that he had permission to do anything he wanted to do with the earth and there never would be any repercussions. Boy, were we wrong! After the Flood God told Noah "never again will I destroy all living creatures." (Genesis 8:21) It looks like mankind wants to do the destroying. Recycling bottles and cans, using less electricity, stop using so many pesticides in the yard! When I threw away so many boxes and wrapping paper after Christmas, I grieved over the trees destroyed. Think about these things.

"When will we ever learn, Creator God, that we were to preserve our environment and not
destroy it. Somehow, teach us to have a sense of urgency about destroying our home. Amen"

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


My friend Ralph asked a group of us recntly if we had been on guard duty that day. Since none of us were active military, we returned a puzzled look. He then showed us Proverbs 21:23 (NIV) "He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity." He then talked to us about our Christian obligation to always speak in a Christ-honoring way. This is a vital truth we need to apply. Psalm 141:3 (NIV) instructs "Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord, keep watch over the door of my lips."
The implication is clear: a guard won't allow anything bad or hurtful to escape. Conscientious Christians take these verses seriously. We have the wherewithal through the indwelling Holy Spirit to set a guard over speech.
In the New Testament, the Apostle James comes down even harder on this subject: "If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religious is worthless." (James 1:26 NIV)
King David said in Psalms 17:3 (NIV) "I have resolved that my mouth will not sin." What a declaration! Earlier in his life his mouth had given the order that brought Bathsheba to his bedroom. With his mouth he gave the order that her husband Uriah be abandoned on the front lines and killed in battle. Yes, David was well aware of the sins of the mouth. Proverbs 4:24 (NIV) teaches us "Put away perversity from your mouth, keep corrupt talk far from you lips."
Indeed, it is a full-time job to guard the mouth. Only when we are asleep is the mouth out of danger of sinning. The most powerful part of your body used to identify you as a Christian, when not used guardedly, can be your worst enemy in negating your Christian effectiveness. Guard it.

"Help us not to speak with a double-tongue. Remind us that good and evil speech must
not come from the same lips. May we use our mouths to consistently point to You. Amen"

Monday, January 22, 2007


"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable; if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things." (Philippians 4:8 NIV) That is a command. It is an imperative statement. It is a direct order as easily understood as any of the Ten Commandments. But many professing Christians have ignored this command from the Bible. This kind of temptation from Satan is so subtle and insidious. For instance, in the name of "family togetherness" parents and children will watch a movie of questionable taste and since the parents are laughing the kids assume the parents tacitly approve. Once this kind of material enters the brain, it burrows deep and is hard to remove.
Congratulations to the Hollywood spokesman who announced last week that adults would be forbidden from bringing kids to violent and sexually explicit films.
If your body is the Temple of God (1 Corinthians 3:16) then surely your mind is the throne room. It must be kept clean for the King. "Guard your heart, for it is the well-spring of life." (Proverbs 4:23 NIV) Carelessness in guarding your thoughts will bring a terrible harvest in your personality. Filthy thoughts trigger the imagination in a bad way. Detailed descriptions of vile events turn loose a frenzy of fantasy. Those lacking spiritual discipline are helpless to stop it. Jesus said in Matthew 10:16 (NIV) 'Be as shrewd as snakes."
Just because a Government agency approves, doesn't change the poison. The government also approves the sale of alcoholic drinks but look at what it costs the taxpayer in accidents, police forces, jails, hospitals, welfare and divorce courts. The governmetn also approves gambling but look what it costs the taxpayers in unpaid debts, homelessness, and family court. Satan has new tricks to deceive you. Think pure! Think right!

"Father God! Help! the Evil One is always trying to sow negative thoughts in our brains.
Through your Holy Spirt, be our radar screen to warn us to reject it. Amen"


Sunday, January 21, 2007


I subscribe to a magazine called "THE VOICE OF THE MARTYRS". It is good. I commend it to you. It recounts stories from around the globe of Christians who are persecuted for their faith. In a recent article, one phrase jumped out at me. A Indian man said "I believe God will transform my problem into a program for His glory." What a powerful statement! This is not a temporary taking my "lemon" and making me "lemonade", but a continuing program enabling the man to keep his faith and live victoriously. This is more than "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." (Philippians 4:13 NIV) This is a God-planned strategy for the believer. This sounds like Romans 8: 38-39 (NIV)"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." If you know that God has a plan for your life and you have accepted that plan then you can have the assurance that whatever the future holds, you know "who" holds your future.
Paul gave a similar testimony in 1 Timothy 1:12 (NIV) "That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet I am not ashamed because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him for that day." Bad thingss happen to good people but that is not the whole story. What is God wanting to do in my present situation? Am I helping God do His work or being a barrier? He calls me His "co-worker". I certainly want to help Him be glorified in my life. Like the man in India suggested: get on with His program!

"God, the Bible said and then the songwriter repeated it that your 'eye is on the sparrow' and surely
you are watching me. What encouragement that is for me, whatever is happening. Thanks! Amen"

Saturday, January 20, 2007


"The Heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands." (Psalm 19:1 NIV) On a recent trip to New York, my wife and I visited the Hayden Planetarium. While there we viewed the film "Cosmic Collision". It was a fascinating show. In reclining seats with a screen over us covering the entire domed celing we seemed to be right in the middle of our huge galaxy. Moons and suns and comets and meteor showers were flying everywhere. I remembered Genesis 1:1 (NIV) "In the beginning God created the Heavens" and then in verse 16 "He also made the stars." I saw the hugeness and might of God in a way I had never experienced before and I worshipped God there and for the rest of the day. Amazing! Stupendous!
Then the next day we went to see "Body Works." This is a display of human bodies that have gone through a vacumn process called "plastination". The human body is preserved, whole or stripped away, to reveal it's inner parts, even in cross-sections. Hundreds of miles of arteries and vessels. Cells replaced by brightly colored resins and epoxies. Amazing the way God made us! And there, in that crowded warehouse, I worshipped again and I prayed with David "What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?" (Psalm 8:4 NIV) What a great revelation! I fully agree now with the Psalmist in Psalms 139:14 (NIV) "I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." I'm not an accident, I'm put together intricately. Since God put so much time in creating a Universe for me to live in a while, its not surprising that He provided a way for me not to self-destruct. "This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him." (1 John 4:9 NIV) Comeon, let's worship!

"You are worthy of all my worship, O Lord! We try to grasp You by faith but You
are too big. What we know we love! Because we love You we trust you completely. Amen"

Friday, January 19, 2007


You may be one of those who said it or you heard someone else say it: "it's useless to serve God!" Some complain of trying hard to be righteous and obey God and nothing goes well; so they give up on God. This happened in ancient times. The Prophet Malachi records this dialogue: "You have said harsh things against me," says the Lord. Yet you ask, "What have we said against you?" "You have said, 'It is futile to serve God.' What did we gain by carrying out His requirements and going about like mourners before the Almighty God?" (Malachi 3:13-14 NIV) I don't blame God, I would have been offended, also.
Why do you serve God? Do you have a good reason? Will it stand the test of time? Remember the accusation of the Devil against Job: "Does Job serve God for nothing? Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the works of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land. But stretch out your hand and strike everything he has and he will surely curse you to your face." (Job 1: 9-11 NIV)
Is that true of you? Are you simply serving God for what you can get from Him? Anyway, the roof literally caved in on Job. He lost family, fortune, and health. Did he say serving God was futile? No! In Job 1:22 "in all this Job did not sin by charging God with wrong doing." Smart man!
Why do you serve God? Just because He is mighty and wonderful and worthy of our service? Serve Him for "who" He is and not for "what" He gives.
"Naked I came into the world, naked I shall depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away, may the name of the Lord be praised."(Job 1:21) This is Job's answer to all who question his devotion to God. How would you answer?

"It is a privilege to know You and serve You, True God! You have given enough reason
and purpose to my life and direction if You never blessed me again. How sweet it is! Amen"

Thursday, January 18, 2007


The Apostle Paul on several occasions encouraged Christians to remember that anywhere they would go, Jesus had already been or anything that they would experience had already been experienced by Jesus. Jesus had sifted through every human experience. For instance, "He has been tempted in every way, just as we are, yet without sin." (Hebrews 4:15 NIV). Or "Because He himself suffered when he was tempted, He is able to help those who are being tempted." (Hebrews 2:18 NIV)
My friend, David Marcelo, says that every Christian will follow Jesus through a Jordan River, a Wilderness, and a Galilean experience and we should learn from Him. The Jordan River experience is fun: it's like going to Church on Sunday morning. (Matthew 3:14-17) Your friends are all there, you are worshipping God in a beautiful setting, and God speaks to you words of affirmation about your relationship.
But you can't stay at the Jordan river. You leave the River to enter a Wilderness or desert experience of temptation. (Matthew 4:1-2) Tough part because you are alone in the desert. It's cold. It's lonely. You have no supporters. Satan knows that you are most vulnerable when you are alone and so he attacks you every way that he can. But as Jesus overcame every temptation in the Wilderness, He will give you strength to say "no".
When we have passed through temptation, there is our Galilee experience of ministry opportunity. Matthew 4:24 (NIV) reports that "Jesus went throughout Galilee teaching in their synagogue, preaching the good news of the Kingdom and healing every disease and sickness among the people."
As we walk the Jesus road, we, too, will have opportunities to teach, preach, and heal. You are going to have all of these experiences this week. Be prepared. Be glad. Jesus has gone before you.

"Ah, Jesus, I see you going there. Give me the strength to keep up with you. I notice
some strange things lurking along the path. Enlighten my path. Encourage me. Amen"

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Is Heaven getting overpopulated? I had not heard of a population explosion there. Then why so much emphasis on keeping people alive? I thought Christians were excited about going to Heaven to be with their Lord, Jesus. Prayer Meetings in churches seem preoccupied with keeping some saint here on earth rather than their going home to Heaven. What is this emphasis on keeping people alive artificially with a machine? So called "heroic means", costing thousands of dollars, are used to keep someone alive. Why not let things take their natural course? If God wants to keep someone alive in the face of the worst possible medical diagnosis, He can do that. Count me out on "mechanical breathing."
Jesus said there were many rooms in His Father's house and "I am going to prepare a place for you." (John 14:2 NIV) Christian, don't you want to see what your room looks like? 1 John 3:1 (NIV) says "We know that when He appears we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is." That is the hope and expectancy of every child of God. What an assuring truth to remember when you become ill: "No eye has seen, nor ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him but God has revealed it to us by His Spirit." (1 Corinthians 2:9-10 NIV)
For the believer "Death has been swallowed up in victory. Where, O Death, is your victory? Where, O Death, is your sting?" (1 Corinthians 15:54-55 NIV)
Some Christians are giving out mixed signals. Paul said "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." (Philippians 1:21 NIV) Do you believe it? "We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord." (1 Corinthians 5:8 NIV) Is Heaven your real home?

"Father, its not the Pearly Gates and streets of gold that excite me about Heaven. It is seeing
You face to face and beginning to really know You. thank you for that assurance. Amen"

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


So many people are angry with God! Unresolved issues in life will make you angry. When there is no one else to blame, God becomes the target. He won't answer back so you can pile it on. He doesn't mind. He can handle it until you are ready to deal with it. "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7 NIV) It may have been the death of a parent when you were young, or a sibling. Maybe the divorce of your parents? Or perhaps the loss of a job? The source could be anything that you prayed to God about and asked Him to do a miracle for you and He didn't. The grief and disappointment you felt was huge. It may still be huge! Your disappointment with God gave way to anger. Anger wants revenge or payback. Anger is not rational so it rejects any reasonable explanation. The ultimate payback to God? Say: "I no longer believe in God". You might even hear someone say "I'm an atheist" or "agnostic" or "cynic". Folks angry with God sometimes wax philosophical and explain "all the problems and wars in the world are the fruit of believing in God." On the other hand, anger with God might, I say "might", result in high blood pressure, depression, tension, and ulcers to mention a few.
If you are angry with God as you read this let me be quick to tell you that God isn't angry with you. If you don't believe in God let me be quick to tell you that He still believes in you. He is alive and well and He is not silent. If you feel that the skies are made of brass and nothing can penetrate hear this challenge from Jesus : Matthew 7:7 "Ask and keep on asking and it will be given you; seek and keep on seeking and you will find; knock and keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you" (my translation)

"God, the idea of not believing in you is so lonely in itself. Being angry with you is just so destructive.
Reveal your true self to me so I can stop being angry; this is a heavy load. Amen"

Monday, January 15, 2007


Here is the principle clearly presented by Paul in Galatians 6:7 (NIV) "Do not be deceived: God is not mocked. A man reaps what he sows." Jesus stated this truth over and over in various ways. When most folks read Jesus saying it they jump immediately to the end of life and see it in terms of the Final Judgement Day. While that interpretation is certainly legitimate both Paul and Jesus are concerned about our actions in the "here and now" and not just "Payday Someday." While parents warn their children about the serious consequences of their actions the parents themselves are often guilty also of not thinking about the fruit of their words or actions.
When I was a teenager, and not yet listening seriously to parental instruction,my Mother would quote this verse to me before I went on a date: "You may be sure that your sin will find you out." (Numbers 32:23 NIV) Shall I remind us all of Physicians who warned us that smoking would lead to lung cancer, that drinking alcohol would lead to cirrhosis of the liver, that fat meat would lead to clogged arteries? So many physical pains of today we ourselves sowed years ago.
More emotional perhaps are marriages destroyed by jealous seeds, friendships destroyed by anger's seeds, families destroyed by envy, engagements ended because a seed of doubt was sown. The rush to immediate gratification by couples jumping into bed together (playing marriage) and not accepting the fact that 85% of those marriages will end in divorce. Couples hurrying to the Marriage Chapel explaining there is no time for Pre-Marital Counseling. Physical attraction is not enough when the Bible warns "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers." (2 Corinthians 6:14 NIV) Likewise, if you keep rejecting Jesus controlling your life today you are sowing seeds of pain and self-destruction. Break the habit of taking chances with your future! Just what are you sowing?

"Father, how did I ever convince myself that I was like "teflon" and none of these laws of 'sowing
and reaping' would ever affect me? Is this a wake-up call from You? If so, thanks! Amen"

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Not a large man physically but a man who has thrown a large shadow across all of us. Who would have thought that the Pastor of a ordinary Baptist Church of black folks should do something so extraordinary as to force the whole American culture to take a hard look at herself. And, with Dr. King's urging, not like what she saw. He had a dream! A dream deeply rooted in the New Testament and in the life of Jesus. Jesus was God's dream of how life should be lived and how people should love and serve one another. From his youth, Dr. King's life was immersed in studying and preaching and living the "Jesus lifestyle." If Jesus said it, then it must be true!
As Jesus lived out his own words, He proved it to be true! " This is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another." (1 John 3:11 NIV) If you believe it, prove it. "If anyone says, 'I love God' yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen." (1 John 4:20 NIV) Prove it. "Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." (1 John 3:18 NIV) Prove it. Actually a good exercise to celebrate the birth of Martin Luther King Jr. would be to read through 1 John 1-5.
It is still a troublesome fact that after all these years the most segregated hour in American society is Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Many of us need to consider the Kennedy challenge again: "some people see things as they are and ask 'Why?'; others see things as they ought to be and ask 'Why not?'
All of us need "a dream." There is yet too little being done about poverty, racism, war, abuse of children and aged, and the abuse of power. What is your dream? Go with it!

"So many paths to success lead to "dead-ends", Dear Lord; save us from wasting
time by going down those old mistakes. Amen"

Saturday, January 13, 2007


Did you ever wonder what it would be like to be a preacher of the Gospel and Pastor a congregation? Maybe just once? That may have been enough for most people. People tend to see preachers as they do police personnel, a kind of love-hate relationship. Generally, folks feel there is definitely a need for them but mixed opinion about how much you listen to one. For instance, some people refuse to listen to any preacher and reject anything he might say. On the other extreme are people who would take everything their preacher would say as divinely inspired. Either extreme could be dangerous for your spiritual health.
A more puzzling response is that described by Preacher Isaiah. People who are unwilling to hear the Lord's instruction say to the Preacher: "See no more visions. Give us no more visions of what is right. Tell us pleasant things; prophesy illusions. Leave this way, get off this path, and stop confronting us with the Holy One of Israel." (Isaiah 30:10-11 NIV) Here are people who want a fresh word from God, but only if it is pleasing to their ears.
Surveys seem to indicate that there is a large number of people longing for a personal message from God. But there is a problem with the believability of the proclaimer.
In this era of mixed feelings about "professional religionist", what is a person to do? On the other hand, consider the plight of the Preacher. He must answer to God for every message he speaks. The eternal destiny of the hearers may depend on whether he makes the message clear. The "fire in my bones" (Peacher Jeremiah) must be translated in understandable and believable terms.
Why not try forging a special alliance with your Preacher this Sunday? Together with the Prophet/Preacher that God has placed before you, come into His Presence with a sense of reverence and an open heart and simply pray "Speak, Lord, I am listening."

"Lord, it is so good that you are alive and You are not silent. I open my life and
invite You to say something to me. With the faith that I possess, I promise to respond. Amen"

Friday, January 12, 2007


There ought to be a law against "spiritual abuse" by people who consider themselves spiritual authorities. One of them recently made his annual "prophesies". So many Christians suffer needless fear and anxiety while these "authorities" get rich. One self-anointed authority sold a video telling Christians to buy a gun to protect themselves. One sold millions of books saying the Antichrist was coming. Another lead a group of followers to sell their homes and retreat with him to a mountain. Why do people accept spiritual abuse and keep coming back for more? I am one of those Christians who believes in the priesthood of every Believer.
In 1 Peter 2:5 the Bible says that baptized, believing Christians are to be a "holy priesthood." It goes on to say in verse 9 "you are a chosen people and a royal priesthood." Recognize who you are, Christian, and stop being used "in the Name of Jesus." God's wrod is clear. You don't need a preacher, priest, rabbi, bishop, pope, or pastor to understand God's Word. The Bible is God's "love letter' to you, made understandable by the Holy Spirit. 1 Timothy 2:5 (NIV) says "For there is one God and one Mediator between between God and man, the man Christ Jesus." Go to Jesus using His words. He will not abuse you. He will not take advantage of you for selfish reasons. He will not withhold His truth from you.
When God comes to live in your heart through Jesus, you will have an intimate relationship that you can trust. He loves you too much to deceive you. That can't be said for "false shepherds." (John 10:12-13) Isaiah 55:8 says that God's ways are not man's ways. No human can claim an inside track to God's truth.
IF some "religious authority" deceived you in the past about the Millenium, the Rapture, or some other exotic subject, forgive him and search the Bible for yourself from now on. The Revelation 5:10 says you have been made part of a Kingdom of Priests to serve God forever. Jesus gives that position to you, Use it gratefully.

"Thank you, God, for giving us a understandable message in the Bible. Thank you for gently feeding
your sheep! When it comes directly from you, we can comprehend it and swallow it trustingly. Amen."

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Remember this story? "As Jesus started on His way, a man ran up to Him and fell on his knees before Him. 'Good Teacher,' he asked, 'what must I do to inherit eternal life?' 'Why do you call me good?' Jesus answered. "No one is good, except God alone." (Mark 10:17-18 NIV) Actually, I'm encouraged. It reminds me that the problem of "good people" has been around for a long time. It is one of the hard challenges of the ministry. How do you reach the heart of a self-proclaimed "good person"? How do you pierce the "self-righteousness" armor? So many people keep you at arm's length saying "but I'm a good person." I want to ask "by whose standards?"
If any of us look around, we can see people who are more rude, discourteous, or hateful than ourselves. Does that then give us the right to proclaim that we are the model of courtesy and deportment? I think not. We have simply loweredd the standard to our own eye-level.
The problem of the man coming to Jesus was that his standard was another human, not the Son of God: what a game of self-deception to play when we make ourselves the "reality test"! Jesus told us to beware and watch for folks who made themselves the ideal. Only by looking to Jesus do we see goodness "fleshed out."
Look at the life and work of Jesus and compare. A comparison in self-deception is stated "you don't have to go to Church to be good."Correct! We go to the church house to study the Bible together to define Christian goodness in our contemporary setting and then pray for one another to be drawn by the Holy Spirit to that standard. If you are "hooked" on self-righteousness, you need a good "detoxification center." I'm sure God has one near you. After being emptied of "self" you can become a vessel of His goodness.

"Father, our world is so hungry for real goodness. The lack of the real thing makes us susceptible to
cheap imitations. Will you empty your true goodness into our spirits? Thank you! Amen"

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Remember back to the days of the Vietnam War protests? Probably not! Daily there were demonstrations with people shouting "Make Love, Not War" and some shouting "Make Peace, Not War." The shouters for "Peace" did not get as much publicity. Currently, it would seem that the followers of Jesus would exit their church houses every Sunday shouting "Make peace." After all, Jesus was a Peacemaker. He said in a very famous Sermon "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God" (Matthew 5:9 NIV) Another way of translating that is "to be congratulated are the peacemakers." Christianity seems to have a difficult time keeping up with Biblical instruction on peace work. "Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace" (Romans 14:19 NIV) That's pretty straight-forward. Here's a promise for peacemakers: "Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness. (James 3:18 NIV) Seems clear to me that peace then is the best for everyone. In fact when the Bible teaches us that the only just fighting is when you are defending your family even self-defense is a form of peacemaking. (1 Timothy 5:8) Back to that famous Sermon of Jesus that I quoted earlier Jesus also said "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." (Matthew 5:44 NIV) Thats radical, huh?
Until today, war has never been the answer to any problem. People fight each other when they don't want to resolve issues fairly. Anger, hostility, revenge are motivations that make any situation worse. Secure strength does not have to fight back, it looks for a better wy. Secure strength knows that it can ultimately have its way by brute force but many people will die. Wage peace!
Seriously, this lifestyle begins in the home with the parents who live peacefully and teach their children the same. The children then practice it at school and on the playground, thereby teaching it to other children. Intentinal peacemaking! That's why they called Jesus the "Prince of Peace."

"Jesus, you broke down the wall of division that kept us from You. You did all you could on the cross to
make peace with us. Help us to copy You in taking down the walls that divide people. Amen"

Tuesday, January 9, 2007


The advertisement invited me to attend a weekend of Extreme Games at the Stadium. No ordinary athletic Event, one could expect to see well-conditioned athletes pushing themselves to the limits of strength and endurance. A few people are extremely dedicated to doing something to the maximum ability that their body can accomplish.
When Jesus started preaching and inviting people to follow Him and even unto today, he is inviting us to join Him in His Extreme Games. In Luke 9:23-24 (NIV) He said "if anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it." Now that's extreme! Take up a cross? Daily? Doesn't He know I have to work? Doesn't He know I have a family to support? Doesn't He know I have to drive the kids to soccer practice?
Yes, Jesus invites us to a lifestyle of "extreme godliness." Mind you, being a Christian is not a "harmless" diversion to spend some quality time with some good people. This "extreme" can cost you your life as evidenced by the news reports coming in from around the world of the murder and torture of Christians.
The general application of the teachings of Jesus from day-to-day are mind-boggling. "Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13 NIV) Extreme showing of love!
Christianity was never intended to be lived out in the quietness of contemplation or in the vigorous intellectual exchange of your weekly Bible study class, divorced from the real world. "Extreme" followship of Jesus is a daily exhibition.

"Forgive us Jesus if our extreme love for you is shown only by our wearing a cross around the neck. Help us to
put you first all the time, regardless of what that might cost us. May we love you "extremely"! Amen"

Monday, January 8, 2007

Jan. 9 "Title" or "Testimony" ?

A minister delivering a funeral eulogy said that everyone dies with either a title or a testimony. Life is defined in the way you die and the message you leave behind. Those who are preoccupied with gaining a title can expect that to be remembered when they die. News accounts of the death and the burial will focus on the title. Those who attend these funerals are often people who are title conscious.
Other people die with a great emphasis on the kind of testimony they have given in life. What was important to them? What was the basis of their value system? Their funerals are usually marked by personal testimonies from people they have touched and influenced. People with titles are buried in impressive tombs, people with testimonies need only a simple gravesite. People with titles leave memorials to themselves. People with testimonies leave living memorials to the Lord of their lives.
Jesus told a story once about people dying in these two different ways. Please read Luke 16: 19-31. One was in torment after death because the worldly title and wealth and recognition all had been left behind. Those things don't impress God. The other man died and was able to carry his spiritual values over into death with him and was experiencing joy with God. The man in torment could see the other man in eternal peace and asked God to warn his family not to make the same mistake.
I wonder if someone who is a friend or relative of yours is asking God to keep you from making an eternal mistake? I wonder if you are trying to keep a friend from making a mistake about eternity? Jesus' answer in the story was that the truth of life and death, Heaven and Hell was being preached daily and people must listen and make the right choice. What is it for you? "Title" or "Testimony"?

"We are so easily confused, dear Lord. Clarify with us again that the only epitaph that makes an eternal
difference tells of our relationship with You. Amen"

Sunday, January 7, 2007


I was driving down the Interstate at the posted speed of 65 m.p.h. I was following two cars that had not wavered from the posted limit. It was a beautiful day for a drive. I had no reason to drive faster. I looked in my rear-view mirror and noticed a string of cars swiftly approaching. They were weaving in and out, quickly overtaking, passed by at a furious rate of speed and then were gone, all 12 of them.
Then you know what? I had this sudden compulsion to break the speed limit and catch up to them. I had no real reason for a sudden urge to keep up with those breaking the speed limit. If it was alright for them, it must be good for me. Then I remembered the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 7:13-14 (NIV) "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." I was shocked at the power of numbers on my life. I didn't know the people in the other 12 cars, probably wouldn't have liked some of them if I did but I let them tempt me because there were more of them than of us. (Three law-abiding cars.)
Parents reprimand their children for saying "everybodys doing it" and then respond in certain situations with the same thought pattern. Peer pressure is great at every stage of life. One of the Devil's tricks to deceive us is with numbers; how do you measure up to the majority? Often in public elections people do not vote their own convictions but rather the vote of a popular group. Listen to God whenever there is a choice, not to the crowd. Remember this: "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." (1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV)

"Lord, we are tempted so easily. Help us not to give in so quickly, without asking your help. Amen"

Saturday, January 6, 2007


Is there a coming time of spiritual revival for your community? Your city? Your state? Our nation? It is talked about quite a bit, in ministerial groups and Christian talk-shows. Sometimes I am asked for an opinion. Of course, I would like to see a great spiritual awakening.
Historical records of the so-called "Great Awakening" are so fascinating that any believer would like to experience it. Just for increased church attendance? No! But because the crime rate shrunk, jails closed, lawyers and judges were out of work, abuse ceased and corrupt politicians repented.
Historical records of the fruit of spiritual renewal don't lie. Will it happen near you soon? I don't think so. The churches of all denominations seem to be doing well. In fact, in the Mid-Atlantic area, new churches are starting all the time. Budget receipts are meeting the bills. Our current church outlook could be compared to the church of Laodicea described in The Revelation 3:17(NIV) "you say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' "
While many churches are involved in many activities, the activities do not prove spiritual life. Many churches now regularly offer various kinds of entertainment to attract people to attend. (A jokester observed about this that there is also much activity in the local cemetery but no sign of reawakening.)
Historically, when God gave a spiritual revival, it came to the whole community, every church was affected. Wouldn't you like to see your area known for something other than high crime rate, high tax rate, high population density, or high traffic count?
God's further answer to our problem is in The Revelation 3:18ff (NIV) "I counsel you to buy from me." In other words, spiritual awakening is available, if we want to pay the price.

"God maybe its time for You to shake our foundations? Inspire us to count the cost if
things keep going the way they are now. We need to wake up spiritually!" Amen

Friday, January 5, 2007


In churches I've pastored, I've always used January as a time to go back to the basics of the Christian faith and the church to make sure everyone understood the foundation truths. In these writings I deal only with basic biblical truths. Some of you reading this today may have a new found, with the start of the new year, hunger for the basics of God.
Here are my basics: First, read the Bible at least once a day. You will see it quoted daily in these Devotionals. "All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness." (2 Timothy 3:16 NIV) It is God's personal word to you through the lives of people like you, written in their own style so you could understand it. It is not a perfect book; it never claims to be perfect. If it were perfect, you and I wouldn't understand it. Don't worship the Bible. Read it. Let God speak a perfect message to your imperfect heart and things will change. In the Bible, you will meet Jesus.
The second basic conviction of these writings is that Jesus is the unique and only Savior of mankind. "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6 NIV) This statement cannot confuse you. It needs no clarification, no explaining. Get alone. Read it. Think about it. Pray for God to give you light on that statement.
Prayer is the third basic of my faith found here. Jesus said in Luke 18:1 (NIV) "Then Jesus told His disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up." Prayer is a dialogue: a conversation with God. I ask God for ideas, truths, and Bible verses to give to you when I pray. God is faithful to answer prayer. He says "yes", "no", or "wait"
These are my basics for living. What about yours?

"Thank you, God, for a place to stand! Thank you for basic truths that give to our lives
a unshakeable foundation! Thank you for your approval when we stand with you."

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Jan.5: God's Bottom Line

So you are tired of religious groups preaching their complicated theories? You don't want to hear anymore about denominational distinctives? You just want a bottom line from God? OK!
I have news for you. A follower of Jesus by the name of James gave a bottom-line summation of Christianity in the Bible in James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep onesself from being polluted by the world." Clear? How do you measure up to that?
The most vulnerable people in the first century society were widows and orphans; that may not be true now. In that time orphans became beggars and widows became prostitutes (to survive) but at least we have government programs geared to their material needs. Widows and orphans will need continuing love and encouragement as they work through the grief process.
The point of this is that pure religion looks around to see who is the most helpless and jumps in to make a difference. The second part had to do with not being polluted by the world. This is a harder task than helping folks. There is so much spiritual contamination afloat in the world and it sticks worse than velcro. To avoid being spotted or contaminated by the world's stuff is hard. Not being soiled and dirtied in a sinful society is a major challenge.
Sorry, there is no "holy teflon" spray to cover your hide. You have to start at the deepest spot inside. Proverbs 4: 23 (NIV) says "above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." To keep the stuff of the world from sticking to your life, the repellent is applied in the heart.
David knew this when he prayed in Psalm 51:10 (NIV) "create in me a pure heart." Still want pure religion?

" Lord, save me from talking "religious trash" to impress people when I am around
real believers. If I say "bottom line", help me to mean it and listen to the truth.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007


An interesting tidbit was added to the evening News recently: in the same month last year we experienced record drought and record rainfall, unusual for Virginia.
I observed another record; in well-documented History. God has provided for His children 2006 years straight (and only Heaven knows how far back into antiquity the record stretches). What a record! God delivers some from flood and drought! God delivers some while in flood and drought! God delivers some while they are dealing with the effect of flood and drought! Hurray for God!
"Therefore, let everyone who is godly pray to you while you may be found; surely when the mighty waters rise, they will not reach him." (Psalm 32:6 NIV) David said "The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land (drought stricken) and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden." (Isaiah 58:11 NIV)
Drought and flood have been totally destructive to people. When it was over, they gave up, there was no will to go on. No desire to reclaim or fix up remained.
Jeremiah 17:7-8 (NIV) speaks to victims of both flood and drought. "Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes, its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."
Some weather patterns are ancient, some seem to be recent. A lot of changes are charged to "El Nino." All predictions are pointing to a difficult winter. (Note: Denver, 2007) The destructive power of extreme cold and deep snow are on the horizon. Again we will be challenged by the elements. Is your God up to the challenge?
"God I believe in your track record of caring for folks. Regardless of the type of
storm You are the same yesterday, today, and forevermore. Thanks! Amen"

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Jan.3 A "NEW" Year?

What's that look on your face? The year is still NEW. Just think about it. Here it stands with all its newness: untouched by human hands, unspoiled by men's frustrations.
There will be opportunities to know God better through His son, Jesus the Christ. There will be new ways of serving God: new days for just enjoying the goodness of God and new times for dedicating our work to God.
You might be thinking, "Boy! Doesn't this Preacher ever read the paper? He must be sitting over there in an ivory tower completely removed from the world to talk with that much optimism." No, I assure you, I'm living in the same country that you are in. But, there is something that makes a difference in outlook for some people.
That great Christian, Paul from Tarsus, says in Colossians 3:23 (NIV) "Whatever you are doing, put your whole heart into it, as if you were doing it for the Lord and not for men." You see, when a person accepts Christ as his personal Saviour, he really begins to do all things for the Lord and not for his boss or supervisor. Jesus Christ is Lord (Master) of his life, so each new day and new year is filled with great possibilities.
Remember those words of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, "Earth's crammed with Heaven, and every common bush afire with God; but only he who sees, takes off his shoes, the rest sit around and pluck blackberries." The Bible says that Jesus opened the eyes of the blind. If you let Him open the eyes of your soul right now, you might be able to see the glory in the New Year.
In John 9:25 (NIV) is recorded the story of a man who received sight from Jesus and said "Once I was blind but now I see." Will you try that? Today? This year?

"Lord, help me not to turn a cynical ear to those who say they are on speaking terms with You. Just maybe they are saying something I need to hear. Amen"

Monday, January 1, 2007

January 2: Hope? or Despair?

"Frenetic activity" is one way to describe New Year's celebrating. "Depression" is another way to describe how some other folks feel about last year's happenings, including last night.
Since last year was such a "bummer", how could a New Year be different: hence, feelings of despondency.
These inner emotions will be denied by many through activity. To help the coping mechanism to work others will add ample forms of alcoholic drinks for anesthetic purposes or the so-called "recreational drugs." It is a bad scene! How sad that the most economically advantaged people in the world should be in such a psychological and spiritual mess.
How about a New Year of hope? of expectancy? of aspiration? The Bible begins Genesis 1:1 saying "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Let God do a "genesis" in your life. Give Him your New year. Give Him total control over your life. He will create a future for you that is worth living.
This message from God affirms the opportunity for people to stop the frenzied activity. Being busy and active does not solve the inner problem, it only covers it up for a while. Exhausting activity now will simply mean going into the New Year exhausted. This is a good time to face up to the effect of the narcotic of "busyness". Look in the mirror and make a spiritual inventory. Why so much running around? What am I running from? The best running you could do would be like the rich, successful politician in Luke 18:18 who ran to Jesus and said "What must I do to inherit eternal life?" and he found the secret. Paul also discovered that admitting his weakness to God was the key to success; "for when I am weak, then I am strong." (2 Corinthians 12:10 NIV)
"Dear Jesus, give me the gift of hope. I am so tired of living life on a dead-end road"