Saturday, January 13, 2007


Did you ever wonder what it would be like to be a preacher of the Gospel and Pastor a congregation? Maybe just once? That may have been enough for most people. People tend to see preachers as they do police personnel, a kind of love-hate relationship. Generally, folks feel there is definitely a need for them but mixed opinion about how much you listen to one. For instance, some people refuse to listen to any preacher and reject anything he might say. On the other extreme are people who would take everything their preacher would say as divinely inspired. Either extreme could be dangerous for your spiritual health.
A more puzzling response is that described by Preacher Isaiah. People who are unwilling to hear the Lord's instruction say to the Preacher: "See no more visions. Give us no more visions of what is right. Tell us pleasant things; prophesy illusions. Leave this way, get off this path, and stop confronting us with the Holy One of Israel." (Isaiah 30:10-11 NIV) Here are people who want a fresh word from God, but only if it is pleasing to their ears.
Surveys seem to indicate that there is a large number of people longing for a personal message from God. But there is a problem with the believability of the proclaimer.
In this era of mixed feelings about "professional religionist", what is a person to do? On the other hand, consider the plight of the Preacher. He must answer to God for every message he speaks. The eternal destiny of the hearers may depend on whether he makes the message clear. The "fire in my bones" (Peacher Jeremiah) must be translated in understandable and believable terms.
Why not try forging a special alliance with your Preacher this Sunday? Together with the Prophet/Preacher that God has placed before you, come into His Presence with a sense of reverence and an open heart and simply pray "Speak, Lord, I am listening."

"Lord, it is so good that you are alive and You are not silent. I open my life and
invite You to say something to me. With the faith that I possess, I promise to respond. Amen"

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