Sunday, November 18, 2007


Having a proper sense of awe about God’s blessings to us can help us have a right spirit of gratitude. Understanding the source can help our perspective for Thanksgiving.
For instance, grace is free, but it is not cheap. Our free salvation cost Jesus His life.
Let me use another example from the life of King David recorded in 2 Samuel 23. King David has been overthrown and was running for his life. Hiding in a cave, he thirsted for a drink of water from the well in Bethlehem. Three brave men broke through enemy lines and brought him the water he desired., but he refused to drink it, instead he poured it out before the Lord. “Far be it from me, O Lord, to do this” he said, “is it not the blood of men who went at risk to their lives?” And so David would not drink it. (2 Samuel 23:16-17 NIV)
Because of the high cost of danger to the men, he offered the water as a praise offering to God. His reasoning said, “If it cost me nothing, I must offer it to God.”
God provides for us, we should make lavish Thanksgiving offerings. We want to hoard and keep God’s blessings to ourselves.
A restaurant had this sign posted: “Due to the drought, only customers may use the restroom.” Or in other words, those who deserve it or can pay for the privilege. God continued to meet the needs of the restaurant owner; he in turn was not interested in providing a service.
How is your gratitude attitude? Many people want to wear the title Christian without dealing with all the implications, which are especially strong around the church community at Thanksgiving time.
The cost is gratitude: How do you define it? The very last problem that the church should have is financial. “Free you have received, freely give”.

“We are so close now, Lord, to the actual moment of expressing thanks
with our families and friends. Sensitize us some more! Now! Amen”

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