Monday, November 26, 2007


In your mind, what should be the relationship between Christian brothers and sisters in a local church? Or between the minister and the members? Some church “dropouts” say they left the organized church because it wasn’t what it professed to be. Certainly the church would be the last place that one would expect to find strife, bickering, power struggles, divisiveness, and a critical atmosphere.
It doesn’t take a genius to know what is not fitting among Christians. I read this short paragraph in 1 Thessalonians 2:17 to 3:5 and it clicked with me that this really says something. (You should get your Bible and read this now. Its too long for me to quote here.) It’s very emotional. There is a lot of feeling.
Paul tells these people that he really wanted to come to be with them. He described those believers as being a real joy in his life. He is filled with hope by what God is accomplishing in their lives.
When Paul was in jail he missed them so badly that he had to send someone to check on them. Because Satan was attacking him so hard, he was concerned that Satan was attacking them doubly hard and maybe they would not be able to withstand it. There is so much concern expressed, so much fellow-feeling. As Christians their lives are inter-related. The mutuality of their faith binds them closely.
The New Testament uses a special word “koinonia” (translated: “fellowship”) to describe this common life among Christians. When there is this kind of “life and death” commitment to Jesus and to one another in the church, there is no room for negative feelings. The ground is always level at the cross, therefore, it must be from the pulpit to the pew, and from pew to pew.
Any local church you enter should be the most loving and friendly and encouraging place you visit during the entire week. And, remind you of Heaven. (P.S.: Read the passage)

“Help us not to settle for anything less than your plan for fellowship in our
local church. Help us to be really joined-at-the-heart! Amen”

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