Monday, February 19, 2007


For some people it is a human rights question, but for Christians it is much more personal. Just a casual news observer would notice from time to time stories about Christians being persecuted and killed around the world and church facilities being destroyed.. The church enduring persecution is not new. Jesus, the founder of the Christian faith, was murdered. He told all who would follow Him to expect persecution and death.
From the first century until now, millions of Christians have died for their faith. Some estimate that 300,000 Christians die each year because of their loyalty to Jesus. In the Bible, Hebrews 11 is described as the “Heroes Chapter” because it is totally about men and women who have stood victoriously in the face of persecution. We thank God for those who remain faithful to the end.
We are instructed in the Bible to identify with persecuted Christians and to pray daily for them. Hebrews 13: 3 (NIV) “remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” There is genuine sympathy as well as empathy in the Christian family. We are not isolated. We are not alone. Our lives are eternally interlocked with one another.
When Hitler imprisoned a well-known Pastor during World War 2, a visiting Pastor said to him from outside his cell “Why are you in there?” The imprisoned Pastor replied “Why are you out there?” The day may come for some of us who are now free to be imprisoned for our faith. If you are in a free country where you can exercise your faith, be faithful. . If your government forbids your free exercise of your faith, pray to remain true to your commitment. Free people should pray for the persecuted. Ask your church to pray, also.

“Lord God, because of Jesus, we are one in the bond of
love. Make us ever mindful of our whole faith family. Amen”

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