Sunday, February 4, 2007


I still chuckle about the story, even though it was several summers ago. It seems this man got out of his car at a strip mall and left the motor running while he ran in the store to pick up something. Somehow, the car slipped in gear and when he came out the car was slowly running around in a circle. He couldn’t stop it to get in his car. Police were called. They finally decided that the best thing to do was simply let the car continue to circle until it ran out of gas. Then the man could retrieve his car. And so for several hours crowds watched the car going in a circle.
I think I know some people like that. They can no longer control their situation. No one else knows what to do except to stop them by force but like the automobile going in circles, a forced stop could cause great harm.
Did you ever feel that your life was like that car? Do you ever feel like you are just going around in circles? Years of going in circles could really be depressing. If life has become for you a fruitless repetition of days, your need is for a new start. You need a direction.
Jesus said “You must be born again ” (John 3:7 NIV) to a man who was going in circles. All the play things that you can afford materially will not help if there is no meaning and purpose in life. Ask God to deliver you immediately from this “going in circles.” King David prayed in Psalm 69: 14 (NIV) “Rescue me from this river, do not let me sink.”
In the rut, you just get deeper and deeper. Find the straight path! There is a straight path that leads to Heaven. You must know that.

“Thank you, O Truthful One, for breaking through my confusion. Now give
me the courage to step out and follow You. Amen”

1 comment:

Wilkeiii said...

Pastor Charlie, This entry was particularly refreshing! We really do need to shake things up from time to time to keep it fresh. It is also a wonderful feeling to know that each day we are born again with a fresh chance to live and love the way Jesus has taught us.