Monday, August 20, 2007


Some things can’t be emphasized too much. Some areas need constant emphasis. In general, communication skills are worked on both in industry and business. In particular, families do not give enough time and effort to improving communications.
“I’ve told you a hundred times” or “are you listening to me?” or “why don’t you try to understand me?” are the kind of statements often heard. The thing puzzling me is how people spend eight hours a day working hard at being understood and understanding their co-workers and come home at night and refuse to show the same courtesy to those who are their “family” members. Is it laziness? Or do we only work at what we are paid to do? It is imperative for us to say what we mean and receive some affirmation from the others that our “message” has been received.
I am reminded of the biblical account of God calling young Samuel to service. (1 Samuel 3) Three times God called Samuel and the boy thought it was the old priest Eli. It was on the fourth time that communication happened when Samuel said, “Speak to me, Lord”. Then the conversation continued.
When the Bible says about Jesus “the word became flesh and lived among us” (John 1:14) it is a story about communication. God always makes concentrated efforts to be sure we understand him. That fact should tip us off to the importance of communication. In 1 John 1:1 the Apostle describes God’s acts of communication involving all of the senses.
In our families, the words, facial expression, body language, personal touch and everything about us should be a unified presentation of what we want to say and how we want it to be heard. This doesn’t happen accidentally. This is intentional.
The skill of communication must be developed. Pray about this. It is a spiritual love debt that you owe your family.

“Father, You are the perfect example of patience and persistence in
communicating Your love to us. Help us to study your example! Amen”

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