Friday, August 31, 2007


Summer is winding down. Activities are diminishing. School is reopening. The temperature is cooling. In other words, it’s the beginning of “couch potato time”.
The college and professional football seasons are starting. Major league baseball is nearing the playoffs. Professional basketball is signing new replacement players. The season of intense sports viewing is about to begin. Granted there will be a large number of participants but nothing to compare to the millions of viewers. Where will you be?
The same can be said for church. Now that vacations are over and school is back in session, local churches will resume a full program of activities. That is, if they don’t have too many “couch potatoes” in the membership.
Many churches will struggle because they have too many “viewers” and not enough “doers”. Regardless of the denomination it is generally true that 20 per cent of the members do 80 per cent of the work and contribute 80 per cent of the money to keep the church going. The larger the church, the greater the opportunity to be a church “couch potato”.
The problem with the church “couch potato” is that he keeps the rest from being effective, somebody has to do his job. 1 Corinthians 12:27 (NIV) says, “now you are the body of Christ, each one of you is a part of it.”
If you are a Christian, it’s time to get off the bench and get in the game. This is a great game! Victory is at hand! But every member of the team must be in the game giving 100 per cent devotion. Go tomorrow and join and support a local team.

“Lord Jesus, You loved the local church community enough to
give Your life to birth her and bless her. Release us to give! Amen”

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