Friday, September 21, 2007


Thank God it’s Saturday1 (T. G. I. S.) I get to write this note of encouragement to you again. Just think, in 24 hours you will be together with all your Christian friends and others seeking the Lord. You will be singing, maybe even clapping your hands. You will be smiling because you will be with a group of worshipers. T.G.I.S. ! I need to be getting ready for that great event tomorrow. King David said: “I rejoiced with those who said to me, ‘Let us go into the house of the Lord.’” (Psalm 22:1)
Tomorrow I won’t have to be on the Interstate because I will be in a state of real joy. Tomorrow I won’t have to stand in line at a check-out counter because I will be checking-in on a gospel that is absolutely free. I won’t have to dress to impress because “the Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7 NIV)
For Christians, today is a day of celebration, also. The celebration of preparation and anticipation and expectation. The church musicians have already prepared an offering of praise to the Lord. (All of the words will clearly be understood by all.)
The preacher has already prepared a message from the Bible focusing on God’s love and generosity. Faith is already being revived. Our sins have been paid for; we are joint-heirs with Jesus of all Heaven’s bounty.
We are living constantly in his presence, and we are allowing God to manifest his power in our midst. T.G.I.S.!
Be prayerful as you go today so you will be ready for a special meeting tomorrow. Don’t analyze, just obey. “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.” (Exodus 20:8NIV) That’s today! Then you will say tomorrow: “T.G.I.S.” again or Thank God It’s Sunday.

“God of the weekend, You are God of each day but the weekend is
special in our society. We anticipate great things in worshipping You
tomorrow. Amen”

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