Saturday, September 8, 2007

September 9: GOING BACK DAY

School and church aren’t usually linked in people’s thinking but at this time of year there is a great similarity. The stores and the media are giving a lot of attention to children going back to school and the implications of this for the community. But if you read the Church advertisements this week you realized that a lot of people are going back to Church today, the summer schedule is over.
You see, America is one of the few countries in the world where being affluent affects the work of God. Because God has blessed us so much and given us so much material advantage, we have to take off on Sundays to use his blessings. Strange, right?
Do you believe what I just wrote? Why else, then, do churches cut back on the number of worship sessions and Bible studies in the summer time? Because their people have gone to the lakes and parks and beaches and no one is there. Some churches even forget denominational differences for the summer and have joint services. (Poor people in poor churches don’t have this problem.)
Does it make sense? No! But, the fact is, there will be more people in churches today than last Sunday. Summer vacation from school and church is over.
Could this be one reason the unbelievers in our neighborhoods do not take us seriously? Is church for when I have nothing else more fun to do? What is this teaching the children?
What happened to “It is required of a steward to be found faithful.” (1 Corinthians 4:2) or “be faithful unto death and I will give you a crown of life.” (Revelation 2:10)?
Perhaps as people return to church today, we could all return to a serious study of God’s Word about faithfulness everyday and every Sunday.
I hope you find a group of Christians somewhere today and spend time in Bible Study and Worship with them.

“Father, this is Your special day, we know that! Forgive us for the times
we forget the uniqueness of the Ressurection Day remembering. Amen”

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