Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Our importance is not determined by what we can or cannot do, but by the unconditional and free gift of God’s love. Our self-image will improve when we learn this truth. Our pressuring ourselves to prove our worth to God and man can cease. The world keeps telling us that our value is determined by what we accomplish, by what we achieve, or by what we can accumulate.
Looking around, comparing our pile of “toys” with other people, we observe that they have bigger piles. And then our self-worth diminishes in our own eyes. God did not intend that mindset. The church must be clarifying God’s value system. The church is having little impact on this secular society because the church is becoming like the society.
Churches and denominations are constantly playing a numbers and building game to establish their importance in the community. The big church will have no more importance in Heaven than the little church! There will be no “prestige section” in Heaven for members of prestigious churches..
God doesn’t operate by the standards of a secular society. “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2 NIV) is a Biblical injunction for individuals and congregations. I have visited many congregations and individuals who were wringing their hands while sighing “woe is me”.
We are valuable and important because God has invested His only son in us. (John 3:16) We are valuable and important as Christians because our bodies are now the Temple of God. (1 Corinthians 3:16) That is not qualified by our looks, money, or worldly accomplishments. If you are a child of God, lift up your head. Recognizing your true value before God will save you from acting proud, arrogant, or egotistical. You will have a quiet assurance that can easily be explained when asked an explanation. Be ready to explain your status.

“We praise You, O God, for freeing us from the artificial standards of the
world and introducing us to Eternal truths of human value in You. Amen”

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, i really needed to hear that today! it never fails, you always write about something i need to hear that day! thank you so much for your faithfulness in this Pastor Charlie! it encourages me every day!