Saturday, May 5, 2007


Many have spoken this profound truth, but I don’t know who said it first. When anyone’s religious liberty is denied, everyone’s religion is endangered. This is such a powerful truth to be guarded. Each religious person thinks his religion is best, that’s why he chose it. That’s fine! That’s how it should be. But to try to force your religion on another person is wrong. In America we have “freedom of religion” or “freedom from religion” if we so choose. But there are always groups that want to steal this freedom.
Political groups are always being pressurized by religious groups to make their particular religion the official religion of the land. But God did not tell the Congress to preach the Gospel to every person. He gave that responsibility to the Church.
Now is a good time to be grateful again for our religious liberty. Coerced prayer is not real prayer. Coerced religious activity is not religion. Biblical religion is about unhindered access to God, unfettered and unfiltered faith, spontaneous prayer or conversation with Deity, and the competence of every believer before God.
When you read of religious persecution in the world you are reading about these great truths being trampled or ignored. What shocks us about other countries could easily filter into America! Eternal diligence is required of us.
I demand that no one try to infringe on my soul freedom. At the same time I am ready to die that you be shown the same respect. Let us enjoy our religious freedom! Let us speak out to defend it! Jesus said “you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32 NIV) Religion in America is a vital part of our society.
Church attendance is up, church financial contributions are up, church ministry to help the needy and downtrodden is high. Why? Because it is all voluntary. Religion must remain a free choice.

“Thank You, God, for the privilege of coming to worship You
voluntarily. Give me strength to serve you vigorously. Amen”

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